Help finding how they are doing this
Does anybody here know how this company added the capability to expand to show a pdf and collapse by just clicking on one of the press releases?
Press Releases for BRIDGE Energy Group
Press Releases for BRIDGE Energy Group
paulgswanson Member Posts: 311
I'v PMed you a snippet of thier code.
I cant be sure because my work pc won't let me run it locally the right wayit keep blocking active x >_< stupid GPOs
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radix Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
you can code it in your client side of your code quickest way i know is to use jquery don't know if its excalty what your looking for
jQuery UI - Accordion Demos & DocumentationIf you ain't pissed off for greatness that means you're okay with being mediocre
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MJohnsonres Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
Does anybody here know how this company added the capability to expand to show a pdf and collapse by just clicking on one of the press releases?
Press Releases for BRIDGE Energy Group
From what I can see they are not actually expanding to show the pdf. They are expanding to show text that they typed in which is also in the pdf file.
Rt-Click web page, View page source
At the top of the HTML you will see a script type: <script type="text/javascript" src="sdmenu.js"></script> The file sdmenu.js has the source code for making the section expand.
Now Look for the an "a herf" tag that has a lot of text following it.the beginning tag <a herf=" ">They typed some of the pdf text between the beginning and ending tag.
the ending tag <a>
Notice how the tag div class="collapsed has a class of collapsed. This is why you don't see the text until you click in the area.
If you are using Chrome, just Rt Click on the element you are interested in and select, "Inspect element".