Auto attendant on cue for cme

How do you guys configure the auto attendant to associate a extension to menu option? Is it configured from an aef script? I have the cue editor express looking at the aa_sample1.aef but can't seem to do what I want.


  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    fastest way is to login through the web gui http://unityipaddress

    go into prompt management and you can set your extension that way.

    the aef script is essentially the brains... but why go through the trouble if you can just do it through the unity web management tool :)
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Its all configurable through the prompt management I don't need tcl scripts or anything like that? I ran into some problem on the prompt management can't remember what it was exactly. Would you know where the recorded files recorded over the tui get saved too? I recorded a few test files and I don't see it in the gui.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    Nope you can build your entire auto attendant, upload the recording etc from the web gui

    just food for thought though! When building you recordings make sure they arent gonna change them randomly - I had a customer with fluctuating office hours so we put in 1 recording for "Welcome to XXXX" then another recording for Hours.. and we put in a prompt management extension like *86 or something so they can record the prompt and send it to email so it's in the right sampling.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    icon_thumright.gif I'm going to try to get a nmcue at work up and running to see if I can get the prompt management to work instead of waiting til I get home. I'll keep you posted.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    One thing I was a little confused about is the operExt the extension of the AA or to someones actual extension.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    OperExt is the zero out option
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    In other words its equivalent to someone pressing 0 and routed to whatever extension is associated to 0. Correct?
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□

    I remember what was the issue I was having last night. I went into prompt mgmt and don't see an option for extensions. Just the recorded prompts uploaded and once I click the file for a prompt a window pops up asking if I want to download or upload a file. Don't see an option in the menu to map extensions to prompts.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    We need to evaluate your eye sight.. :)

  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Now its making sense how to configure it. Can I use the default aef file? Then define the paramater under ccn application autoattendant
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    You can sure... You can also create a new AA
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    But just to be clear what I understand from looking at the gui under AA is I upload the .wav files to the associated parameters for the prompts then setup a call-in number which is the pilot number to the AA. Correct? Only thing I still am not sure about doing on the gui is relating each prompt to a certain extension. ex:For sales dial 2 then its connects to the extension.
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Or am I mistaken and I have to create a new AA for each prompt and the call in number is the extension for each prompt.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703

    Dude you're even confusing me. :)

    Go in, create a new AA once you do that youll build a pilot number - under all that you will set the extension to option

    upload the wav under prompts then in AA admin select the prompt for business hours/afer horus etc and set your option maps.
    222.png 17.2K
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    After comparing what you have to what I have I think it comes down to the .aef script file that is being used. My script parameters are different depending which .aef file I use. How do I edit a script in the editor its not really cut and dry.
  • drkatdrkat Banned Posts: 703
    I'm confused? Cisco Unity Express 1.1.1 Script Editor Guide - Designing a Basic Script* [Cisco Unity Express] - Cisco Systems

    if you really need to edit an aef, but if you're building from scratch it should be as straightforward and building it out in express using the default AA - I guess it depends on the call flow. My system does have some custom built aef's but for the simple
    "Thank you for calling XXXX, for Sales press 1, for God press 2" should be sufficient.

    If you need a hand, just send me a team viewer invite on linked in and I'll jump on it with ya

    Here is the default new aa using the system script.

  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I tried to pm you but it said its disabled on your end. To answer your question no I'm in the process of configuring the .aef script. In my last msg I was asking you if you had access to cue editor. Not sure how your aa is setup but do you have anything like for sales press 3 then it transfers to that line. Just wanted to see how do you have your call flow set up under the menu

    I'm trying under menu ->properties->added sales in option folder ->checked off 2-> under directory of sales ->send digit string dtmf:sales-> terminate-> end
    under parameters for sales I have name Sales type string value "101" (extension number of sales hunt group) no parameter
  • Legacy UserLegacy User Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 0 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Outcome I had an older version of cue after I upgraded it had the script editor express integrated in the gui.
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