Failed 70-290 today, got 70-291 on Friday

uncle festeruncle fester Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□

Just found this forum - as you can see above I have just failed 70-290 today (passed 70-270 yesterday though :D ) - I'm taking 70-291 on Friday, does anyone have any suggestions about practice exams and where I can get either free or at least very cheap ones ?

Much appreciate any help that is offered.

Thanks in advance


  • jmc724jmc724 Member Posts: 415
    I wouldnt do it if I were you, why are you rushing it so fast, its not like know your ABC's and 123's...think about it or you may just have lotta cash to throw around....
    What next?
  • TeKniquesTeKniques Member Posts: 1,262 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Hmmm, if you failed 290, I'm not sure what your chances are for 291. Seems most of the people who post here say that the 291 is a lot harder than the 290.

    In any event, you could download Transcender's demo for free at

    Other than that I'm not sure where you can get any free/cheap practice tests.

    Good luck on your exam though.
  • janmikejanmike Member Posts: 3,076
    uncle fester,

    If at all possible, you need to cancel 70-291 and reschedule when you're ready. I can't see how practice tests could be the answer to your situation.

    You need good exam guides and time to study and practice with the actual operating systems on a regular basis with the exam guides in hand.

    But, if you have no other choice, good luck!
    "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
  • gbhpboygbhpboy Member Posts: 68 ■■□□□□□□□□
    agree with other comments above.

    are you on some sort of boot camp, uncle fester ?

    dont know about cheap tests, I happily paid $140 for some trancenders recently, and the way I look at it is ...
    It costs money to do something properly and it costs more money if you don't do it properly. sub time for money in that as well.
    We have a luxury can here in the UK, called Rolls Royce.
    Man goes into the salesroom, and asks the sales assistant.
    "How many miles to the gallon does this car do ?"
    Sales assistant replies ......
    "If you need to ask that sir, you can't afford the car"

    good luck with the exam.
  • gbhpboygbhpboy Member Posts: 68 ■■□□□□□□□□
    oooops, sorry above say CAR not can.
    still, made me laugh.
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