Anyone sat the 70-682 upgrade exam for MCITP Win7

Just wondering if anyone has sat the 70-682 exam lately and has any notes that their able to post. I have used CBT nugget, sybex and poulton books
if your able to pass on any info without giving the exam away. i have taken heap of notes and re written over and over . like to compare make sure i havent missed anything before sitting the exam. I know the exam is in 2 parts 25 questions each.Is there anything else helpful.
if your able to pass on any info without giving the exam away. i have taken heap of notes and re written over and over . like to compare make sure i havent missed anything before sitting the exam. I know the exam is in 2 parts 25 questions each.Is there anything else helpful.
neathneathneath Member Posts: 438
Best of luck on the 70-682.
I failed it twice then decided to do the 70-680 and 685 exams separately. (did well on the 680 section but came unstuck on the 685 section)
got the 680 in the bag, 685 next week
You should be fine with the CBT nuggets, sybex and poulton books