Looking for a copy of cbt nugget for windows 8

RaBeck Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
You actually can't resell CBT Nuggets as per the license agreement, however, Don Jones made a Windows 8 First Look series that is free. It's on The CBTN YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/cbtnuggets?feature=results_main Click the "Windows 8" tab. There are also a number of Windows 8 MicroNuggets.
(full disclosure: I work at CBT Nuggets). -
Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
You could always "try it for 24 hours" for $24.. CBT IT Training Videos Online, Certification and Education | CBT Nuggets -
zrockstar Member Posts: 378
Yeah what you are purposing is against the terms of this site, not to mention illegal. -
NetworkingStudent Member Posts: 1,407 ■■■■■■■■□□
just wondering if any one has a copy of cbt nugget for windows 8. i really like there style when it come to explaing thing ect.
i have some nuggets i can exchange if interested.
if there are any other videos about the OS that is good for exam prep i would love grap a copy
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--Alexander Graham Bell,
American inventor