Performance Based Questions on New Exam
I've been lurking here studying for the SEC+ exam next week for a DOD job. I bought Darril's book which is excellent and I am hitting it hard along with the Messer vid's etc. My question is regarding the new performance based questions next year; will they allow you to look up help on the command line I wonder like:
C:\Users>attrib /?
Displays or changes file attributes.
ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A ] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [+I | -I]
[drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D] [/L]]
+ Sets an attribute.
- Clears an attribute.
R Read-only file attribute.
A Archive file attribute.
etc...? That would be (very) helpful.... Thanks to everyone on the Forum here - great stuff...
C:\Users>attrib /?
Displays or changes file attributes.
ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A ] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [+I | -I]
[drive:][path][filename] [/S [/D] [/L]]
+ Sets an attribute.
- Clears an attribute.
R Read-only file attribute.
A Archive file attribute.
etc...? That would be (very) helpful.... Thanks to everyone on the Forum here - great stuff...
Darril Member Posts: 1,588
Welcome to the forums and glad to hear you like the book.
On help available at the command line, we don't know for sure, but I doubt it for two reasons.
1) In order for the help to be available, it requires the programmer creating the simulated environment to program it in. This requires extra time and effort to accomplish.
2) There's an expectation that you know how to use it.
However, CompTIA reps occasionally say that the environment will be realistic. With this in mind, some help might be available. For example, for a question that requires you to use attrib might have help on attrib but if you tried to get help on ping it might not be available.
If you take it after the 1st and see a question on the command prompt, we'd love to hear if help was available to you.