Review my resume please?

Hello everyone. I usually update my resume on a monthly basis, but I would like to get peer opinion on it. Now I know I do some things that some wouldn't recommend (such as the Hobbies & Interest section), but I have gotten several compliments on my resume from recruiters, hiring managers, as well as peers.
I want to make it better. I love the format that I use, which is why I have been using it for 3 years now. I like the skills section on the side, but I think I need to revisit that. What do you think about my job descriptions? I try to avoid using works like "I" and similar words/phrases that talk like what I do, but instead what the position is responsible for.
Also, ignore the third blank page. That's not normally there.
I want to make it better. I love the format that I use, which is why I have been using it for 3 years now. I like the skills section on the side, but I think I need to revisit that. What do you think about my job descriptions? I try to avoid using works like "I" and similar words/phrases that talk like what I do, but instead what the position is responsible for.
Also, ignore the third blank page. That's not normally there.

danny069 Member Posts: 1,025 ■■■■□□□□□□
Visually, your resume looks very nice, easy to read. I would definitely drop the hobbies section, keep the most recent work experience in present tense and keep everything after past tense. It looks like you have a lot of experience, normally I would say a resume should be one page only, however, given the template you are using, 2 pages seems fitting.I am a Jack of all trades, Master of None -
tycoonbob Member Posts: 81 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks for the response. I do need to touch up my job descriptions and ensure they are all in past tense, minus my current position. That is something I have really done in a while. Do you think paragraph style works better than bullet points?
Regarding the hobbies section, if I send my resume out or contact a recruiter or something, shortly after I will follow up with them on LinkedIn. By connecting with them this way, they can put my face to my name, as well as see some further information. With the hobbies section listed, I feel that it gives them a slim intro into me, bringing things to a more comfortable semi-personal level. Maybe I am over-analyzing but it seems to have worked well in the past. I know some people agree, but some others will disagree. -
demonfurbie Member Posts: 1,819 ■■■■■□□□□□
i would use bullet points over dashes on the right sidewgu undergrad: done ... woot!!
WGU MS IT Management: done ... double woot :cheers: -
networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
I definitely agree to get rid of the Hobbies section. It would be off putting to me if this resume came across my desk.
I'm not a big fan of the format and your list of skills seems very amateurish to me. Browsers? IP Helper? If you are going to use a skills list (I always recommend against them) at least make it a list of valuable skills.An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made. -
lsud00d Member Posts: 1,571
Since there are various MCITP, MCSA, and MSCE's, I would list them specifically.
Also, when you say 'Diploma' I'm assuming you mean high school diploma? Even though there is some tech-relevant information, I would work this into another section...I'm assuming you're out of the hourly pay now so it's time to drop the high school stuff.
I second demonfurbie's suggestion of bullets over dashes for the skills.
The resume is awfully long for ~3 years of work-related experience.
The template wastes a LOT of space on the second page due to the skills table.