Resume Critique

Im finally annoyed enough with the place I work, I'm ready to start dropping resumes. I'm uploading my resume for constructive critique. Any Advise of changing stuff would much appreciatedSanitzied resume.doc

Edit: I yanked the format from this post since i liked how it looked.
Credit where credit is due and all that.

I'm looking to get a Private Sector Job where I actually have some influence in how things run.
WGU Progress: B.S. Network Management & Design <- I quit (got bored)


  • paulgswansonpaulgswanson Member Posts: 311
    I'm assuming the lack of response might mean I don't have that much to change...
    WGU Progress: B.S. Network Management & Design <- I quit (got bored)
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    I'd center the header.

    The format can be adjusted to make this fit on one page. You have a lot of white space.

    I don't like the 'Profile' section very much. I much prefer a couple sentences here to tell me an overview of your experience.

    I'd go bullets instead of the boxes but I don't think it matters too much.

    Not a fan of the experience section either. Your bullet points should be telling me quantifiable achievements that you have accomplished that helped the company not looking like a copy/paste from your duties. I use a couple sentences to describe the assigned duties and then a couple bullets to highlight key accomplishments.

    I'd remove the training portion as I don't think it's very relevant.
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • lsud00dlsud00d Member Posts: 1,571
    I'm glad you like the format icon_thumright.gif

    I don't have enough time to look over the content today but I would do some work on the tables because there is a lot of unused space.

    edit: Do you want the .docx version? It will clean up your resume a lot and you can just edit the content.
  • paulgswansonpaulgswanson Member Posts: 311
    @Isud00d Yes please! I'll PM you my email

    @Networker Thanks for the input! I'll take what you put to heart and see if I can't also take it down to one page.
    WGU Progress: B.S. Network Management & Design <- I quit (got bored)
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