One more resume Help please
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My previous resume was written too long time ago and now I need to rewrite it to reflect my education and experience progress. As I have never wrote it before in English, I extremely need you help.
I live in Russia, I'm 21 years old. Now I'm finishing the last year of university education at the Telecom specialization. My first IT job I obtained 1.5 years ago. It was a Service Desk specialist position in the IT Department of the large international company that have a division in Russia. And 8 months ago I've become a part of the sysadmins team in that company.
My only certification for now is CCNA, but I'm planning to get CCNA Voice, CCDA and maybe VCP or ITIL in the next year. Some of that knowledges I already have.
Critique please existing sections of my resume. That's still in progress, at least I need to add Summary.
I'll be very appreciate for any help and advice.
My English is far from the ideal, sorry in advance. I'm working on its improvement.
I live in Russia, I'm 21 years old. Now I'm finishing the last year of university education at the Telecom specialization. My first IT job I obtained 1.5 years ago. It was a Service Desk specialist position in the IT Department of the large international company that have a division in Russia. And 8 months ago I've become a part of the sysadmins team in that company.
My only certification for now is CCNA, but I'm planning to get CCNA Voice, CCDA and maybe VCP or ITIL in the next year. Some of that knowledges I already have.
Critique please existing sections of my resume. That's still in progress, at least I need to add Summary.
I'll be very appreciate for any help and advice.
My English is far from the ideal, sorry in advance. I'm working on its improvement.