Spare time: studying (WGU) vs intership

tycar86tycar86 Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
I am starting WGU BS:IT 1/1/13. I have 67 CUs to complete and I plan on doing this in 1 year. I work full time for an industrial electronics company (non-IT related). I have no formal IT experience except a few CC classes (OS, C, databases) and A+ cert. I have an opportunity to intern with a local IT company doing in-house work (repairs, upgrades, etc) on workstations for a couple nights a week. I make enough with my current wages that money is not a concern; spare time, however, is a concern.

So my question... should I spend all the spare time I have studying/working on WGU or should I build some hands on experience as an intern?

Thoughts? And TIA!


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