CBT Nuggets Purchase Individual Course Material?

Is there a way to purchase an individual course video from CBT Nuggets? I do wish to purchase just their LPIC course only, but don't want to cough up the money for a year's "subscription".
antielvis Member Posts: 285 ■■■□□□□□□□
Yep, their is, though at times I find their website a pain in the @$$. You can usually buy the full package for about $499 dollars. There is also the option to stream the nuggets for a month for $199 dollars.
Another less known way is the $24 for 24 hour access. You get full access to the entire library for $24 bucks. This is great if you need to "talk the talk" and get the fundamentals on something.
The year long subscription to the library is like 1100 bucks now. All in all, a very GOOD deal if you ask me. Sure beats a college course.