
New member advice, please.

StoicForeverStoicForever Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi ! I'm new here and have learned a lot by reading various posts so I thought I'd join. I am scheduled to take the CIW Web Foundation Associate exam on January 14th. I bought the three volume study book (set) from the CIW web site and after reading some posts here, I think it was a big mistake. I have a BA in a non-technical subject. I have to admit I am new to much of IT and my goal is to maybe pursue either a second degree maybe at WGU. Anyway, I know a lot of people think the CIW 1D0-510 isn't worth the money. I can't take it back now since it's paid for and the books I received from CIW are thick and have a lot of info. But I see posts in which others describe it as being one of the easiest exams to pass. For this exam, which is all three in one, the study material I received describe it as "high stakes" and I don't see anyone else saying this.
Please, don't remind me if I made a mistake by even paying for it. It's done. So, I am going to take it. I did begin reading the CIW Foundations Study Guide from MC MCSE today and I know this material already. I have 8 days before the exam. I don't want to sit each day reading through the three "official" CIW study guides. I took Comptia Project+ last year. I passed first time. I just wonder: Is this exam really "high stakes" and so hard as CIW's web site describes? I can't stand their study guides. Hundreds of pages each and just gives me a headache.
Any advice? The material I read from MC MCSE: MCSA, MCSE, MCITP, MCTS, CCNA, A+, Network+, CIW, and Linux Certifications is old news for me. I knew it already. Thanks.


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