new member and wanna ur mails plz for help

indawwazindawwaz Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
icon_rolleyes.gif hiiiiiiiiiiiiii everybody,i am so happy that i am member in this lovely site..really this is great site..i am from Egypt..wanna ur emails..please i want you to help as you can..i am new in mcse cirtificate(i am studying now )..please add me: icon_lol.gif


  • janmikejanmike Member Posts: 3,076
    Welcome to the forums, indawwaz!

    What is your background? Are you a PC technician, help desk tech? Or, are you new to computer technology? If you need help, or answers, leave a post on the forum. Lots of folks here who know a lot about computers and MCSE certification.

    Good luck on your studies.
    "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
    Welcome to the Forum :D:D
    If you don't know 24 then you don't know Jack!
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