ISC2 Code of Ethics
Member Posts: 16 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello Gentlemen,
Is the .pdf available at ISC2 site sufficient for the Exam ? It seems that there is a document which is reserved by ISC2 for member with certain privilages; is this correct ?
Is the .pdf available at ISC2 site sufficient for the Exam ? It seems that there is a document which is reserved by ISC2 for member with certain privilages; is this correct ?
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 AdminThe publicly-available (ISC)2 code of ethics is what you should know for the exam.
cyberguypr Mod Posts: 6,928 ModAs with all things CISSP, understand how to apply them rather than memorizing the canons.
moyondizvo Member Posts: 155I agree with Cyberguypr, it is imperative that a CISSP candidate knows how to apply these ethics and not just memorizing them.