
Is to become an enterprenuer is compulsory to get educational skills

Talha_Alam 56Talha_Alam 56 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
There is history in which we see there are alot of enterprenuers who had even not passed even their undergraduation education like Bill Gates, Mark Zukerbarg, Steve jobs and many more .... etc. Like we see they have some sort of natural skill through which they proves them to the World.
So what you thinks Is it not risky if your luck will not run then you will ruined I read out the book of Robert Kuioski "Rich Dad and Poor Dad" here there are some same concept is use.
Now Am refrening to my self as I am studying an undergraduate engineering course "BS(Telecom engineering)". Well its my dream to become a enterpreneur to become CEO in my mids age 30's not as usually in 50's.
I made some IT certifiication path paln for myself what do u thinks how much chances are for me if I able to complete all these certs currently we are working on a site that work in future like amazon site. I wants myself in networking field so That I select all these certs.
site: www.facebook.com/Hicosoft.org and www.Hicosoft.tk

1 :BS-Telecom

2 :MS-Telecom (Specialized in Networking)

3 :CompTia A+

4 :CompTiA Network+

5 :CCNA( Cisco Certified Network Associate in Routing and Switching)

6 :CCNP( Cisco Certified Network Professional)

7 :CWNA( Certified Wireless Network Administrator)

8 :CWNP(Certified Wireless Network Professional)

9 :ComTIA Security+ // Starts Hicosoft_Networks Company

10 :CEH( Certified Ethical Hacker)

11 :CCNA Security

12 :CWSP( Certified Wireless Security Professional)

13 :CCSP( cisco Certified Security Professional)

14 :CHFI( Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator)

15 :CIFI( Certified Information Forensics Investigator)

16 :CCIE( Cisco Certified Internet Expert in Security)
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    stlsmoorestlsmoore Member Posts: 515 ■■■□□□□□□□
    To be honest business is a completely different ball game, those certs listed aren't going to help much with that unless you plan on being the consultant for your biz. I would get the degree and read as many books about selling and general entrepreneurship as you can. And start the business as soon as you can cheaply as possible, I think I remember hearing a term not to long ago in business called learning to fail fast. Learn what doesn't work as quickly and cheaply as possible and then when you find that niche run with it!
    My Cisco Blog Adventure: http://shawnmoorecisco.blogspot.com/

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    tpatt100tpatt100 Member Posts: 2,991 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Yeah I don't see how studying all of that stuff will help you become an entrepreneur. Entrepreneur is about starting and leading a trend not following existing trends, maybe starting a trend on an existing platform I guess.

    The examples you list can teach you that the most important thing for them was timing and who you know, focus on your connections or make new ones. Bill Gates had passion, timing and his powerful mom introduce him to powerful people, Mark had roommates at a prestigious school with lots of money, Steve Jobs was timing and making friends with smart people.

    Those certs are all about existing practices, technology, etc. Of course if I knew what I was talking about I would be typing this on my laptop on the deck of my yacht so I really just try to look at what the most successful people have in common and work from there.
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    DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Bill Gates, Steve jobs,

    May not have had qualifications but they where both highly intelligent people. They found an area they understood and ran with it.

    Personal I think its very difficult to "train/Learn" to become an Enterprenuer, its relies much more on the kind of person you are than what facts you know. Bill Gates is a great example, he sold a product to a big company that he didn't actually have, but he was confident in his ability to make good on his promises.

    I think if you are asking how to become an enterprenuer then your missing the point of it, and even with all the education in the world wont succeed as one.

    you asked " Is to become an enterprenuer is compulsory to get educational skills", they very fact you then mention a number of people who don't have the skills answers the question. What you need it to go out and do it, Lord Sugar started his business career at 16! Every Entreprenurer has a different path to get where they got, and if there was a set way to achieve it then every one would be one. What makes them so successful is they have found there own way, and so avoided the competition to greater or lesser extent.
    • If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
    • An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties. It means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.
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    AkaricloudAkaricloud Member Posts: 938
    Like others have said, the certifications you listed are good but won't necessarily help you in business at all.

    I think you really need to look at entrepreneurship, what it means, what mindset/knowledge it requires and then ask yourself if it's something you're good at and prepared for. While I agree that it's very tough to "learn" to be an entrepreneur, you can greatly increase your chances of success by becoming more educated with the necessary business tools and tactics. Taking some entrepreneurship and business classes would likely do you a lot of good.

    When opportunity presents itself you better be ready to take it.
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    JackaceJackace Member Posts: 335
    Formal technical education and certifications will not help you become a good Entrepreneur. Starting and running a business requires that you first have a solid idea, then a plan to implement that idea, and finally the money, connections, etc to implement the plan. The success of your business rides on many things, but do not discount the role of connections, timing, and sheer luck. You can have the best idea ever, but for unknown reasons (luck) it can still fail. I remember reading multiple case studies back in college on business ideas that failed for one person/company, but succeeded for another.
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    DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□

    How much is face book an example of this. There have been dozens of attempts at social media sites before Facebook What was it that made face book take off?? And now it has taken off following in its footsteps is not going to get you the same success, it's a case of been there done that!

    I think one thing you can say about all those that have been successful for the long term, is it has taken sheer bloody mindedness, total dedication, long hours, and a lot of sacrifices in other areas, on top of a good understanding of business, and the product and market you are trying to sell. And seeing as often these types of people create the markets (think IPAD), this is not some thing you can read in a book.
    • If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
    • An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties. It means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.
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    Talha_Alam 56Talha_Alam 56 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thank you to all and about your suggestions. Actully I don't know but honestly there is a something in my body that try to say me that do some certs because As I wants my self into internet marketting side as for this we made a site blog so Every times I see out that if I do some networking certifications as I mention. Along with I also start my business then with the passage of time so as long I do some certs then from certs and from buisness side I learn double. Its just my heart's voice and I thinks I will do it... I don't know how but my internal's voice say that I will do this both stuff... As my this idea is totally against from all of you. now what you thinks n suggest me. Actually my family backgroud is from educational side they don't allow me to start a buisness. Instead of it get some good education and get a good job icon_sad.gif while I wants to give jobs other instead of getting a job. hopes you all got my point.

    In term of buisness what should you all prefred me as I from engineering field do I start a such like buisness that is related to some sort of technology or like internet marketting or start a buisness like a resturants or factories etc......
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    AkaricloudAkaricloud Member Posts: 938
    Nobody here is going to be able to tell you what kind of business to start. If YOU want to be a entrepreneur, then this is YOUR biggest task. It's what a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with most and what other people are often incapable of.
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    Node ManNode Man Member Posts: 668 ■■■□□□□□□□
    "enterprenuer" is not a job title. It is a status bestowed upon a humanitarian business person after a lifetime of hardwork and enterprise. Some people commandeer the adjective and turn it into a noun. But imo, if you love your product, love your customers and love your world, you will be called an enterprenuer.
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    DevilWAHDevilWAH Member Posts: 2,997 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Akaricloud wrote: »
    Nobody here is going to be able to tell you what kind of business to start. If YOU want to be a entrepreneur, then this is YOUR biggest task. It's what a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with most and what other people are often incapable of.


    An entrepreneur is followed. The rest of us follow..
    • If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. Albert Einstein
    • An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties. It means that its going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.
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    paul78paul78 Member Posts: 3,016 ■■■■■■■■■■
    @Talha - it sounds to me that you are having a case of paralysis/analysis. You have posted the same question 3 or 4 times over the past 3 months. My only advice is to start... Start something, anything. Any of the above in your poll would be fine. There is no wrong or right way. Just do something....:) It can boast you sense of accomplishment and be that first step in a long journey.
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