Switch Question

higherhohigherho Member Posts: 882
I am curious if I'm correct on my logic with the question below. Can someone confirm?

1. Connecting Two Layer 2 switches (no vlans, etc) together with a Cross over - will be able to talk and same with all the devices connected to it as long as you don't start segmenting each port off with its on VLAN and no routing involved correct?

2. If I have a stackable switch (Cisco) with 8 VLANS on it connecting to another switch (Juniper in this case) with no VLANS for my VLAN traffic to pass through to the other switch I would need to have some type of routing (SVI port or a router) in between?

3. If both switches have VLANS on many ports and I want all the VLANs to go across the link and talk to the other switch I would need to have the switches trunked and the same VLANS on that other switch correct? And have routing enabled if I want the different VLANs to talk to each other.

Layer 2 - Layer 2 switches connected via cross over - can talk to each other and all devices

Layer 2 - Layer 2 switches connected via trunk port - multiple VLANS can pass over the line and routing will need to be enabled for the different VLANS to talk

Layer 2 switch to Layer 2 switch - connected via cross over and 1 port on each switch is using switchport mode access & switch port access vlan 3 . Both ports on each switch are configured this way. Does this mean that vlan 3 on the first switch would be only allowed to go through that port on switch 2 and talk to devices on VLAN 3? (To my understanding this should be yes)


I ask this because I got into a discussion at work and I said we simply cannot connect a Ethernet (cross over) cable to our switches (both layer 2) and expect our multiple VLANS to talk. The Switches will be able to talk, like if none of the ports were in VLANs then it would be fine. I said the moment we segment things off, we will need a Layer 3 presence.


  • FuturaFutura Member Posts: 191
    higherho wrote: »
    I am curious if I'm correct on my logic with the question below. Can someone confirm?

    1. Connecting Two Layer 2 switches (no vlans, etc) together with a Cross over - will be able to talk and same with all the devices connected to it as long as you don't start segmenting each port off with its on VLAN and no routing involved correct?

    Single broadcast domain - Subnet so yes devices on same subnet correctly addressed can talk.

    2. If I have a stackable switch (Cisco) with 8 VLANS on it connecting to another switch (Juniper in this case) with no VLANS for my VLAN traffic to pass through to the other switch I would need to have some type of routing (SVI port or a router) in between

    You need either router on a stick or a MLS with SVIs set up. and IP Routing turned on. Roouting protocol is not needed here.

    3. If both switches have VLANS on many ports and I want all the VLANs to go across the link and talk to the other switch I would need to have the switches trunked and the same VLANS on that other switch correct? And have routing enabled if I want the different VLANs to talk to each other.

    Yes, you need a Dot1q trunk for multiple vlans to go to another non cisco switch,

    Layer 2 - Layer 2 switches connected via cross over - can talk to each other and all devices

    Crossover on older switches, newer ones don;t need x overs

    Layer 2 - Layer 2 switches connected via trunk port - multiple VLANS can pass over the line and routing will need to be enabled for the different VLANS to talk

    Routing yes required for VLANs to talk.

    Hope this helps
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