Network/Programming path to start business?

5502george5502george Member Posts: 264
Ok so here is the down low for my situation and ANY advice will be greatly appreciated!

I am looking at following a career path that will have some longevity and am really interested in BOTH programming and networking so I really need your advice, BUT I have one real goal in mind....I would like to start my own business eventually.

So my dilemma is this, I want to go to school to get proper education in either one of these fields but enjoy both equally. What is the outlook for coding/networking? Also, which would be easier to start a business in....keep in mind my passion lies in both of them!


-I work for the DoD as an information assurance manager
-I only have the Sec+ cert but have network knowledge (Firewalls, Routers, Servers, IDS ((HIDS/NIDS etc...))
-The only knowledge I have in programming is HTML (Websites) and some C

....I would like to thank you for your time and would really enjoy any of your comments.


  • the_Grinchthe_Grinch Member Posts: 4,165 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Since you want to go back to school, I would major in Computer Science. Most colleges now offer their Computer Science majors a choice of concentrations. In your case I would select a systems and networking concentration (these are usually lumped together). Then you will have the programming and networking that you are looking for. Beyond that, I'm sure there is some sort of business you could start that focuses on those two things. But what it might be who knows! Good luck!
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  • MichaelTaylorMichaelTaylor Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I'm new to this site and need a little input about a career path just as the previous post before. I have a local community college that is well known for it's computer degrees. I am interested in coding/programming but have never even began to learn the language, it just interest me and I know companies are looking for people in the field. My school offers an AAS Associative in Applied Science degree which they tell me is a computer degree. My concentration would be programming.
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