
Should I stay where I am or go for this new position?

qwertyiopqwertyiop Member Posts: 725 ■■■□□□□□□□
I'm looking for peoples opinions, I'm currently a IT Manager for a small-ish but quickly growing and profitable IT Services company but got a call from a corporate recruiter for a well known security and vulnerability company that would like to interview me for a pentester / network security consultant position. Things have become kinda stagnant lately at my job and I feel like I'm not putting my skills to good use. Seeing that I have about 5 years experience, a BS in IT and a MS in IA, would me taking that position if offered seem like a step down atleast on paper?
FYI I have always tried to get into a solely security position and this one seems great.


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    BloogenBloogen Member Posts: 180 ■■■□□□□□□□
    If YOU feel like its a step up and your feeling stagnant where you are, go for it. If you were tired of your job and you were looking to take the first thing that got offered to you I would think twice but you seem genuinely interested in this position so see where it goes and be open to taking it.
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    AkaricloudAkaricloud Member Posts: 938
    Honestly I would say this all comes down to if you want to stay in management or not. If you're looking to get more hands on then this would definitely be a good job to take, otherwise you might find it hard to break back into management in the future.

    I wouldn't see that as a step down at all; IT Manager has a very wide variety of meanings these days.
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    pinkydapimppinkydapimp Member Posts: 732 ■■■■■□□□□□
    This sounds like a great chance to build your skillset. definitely not a step down nor would anyone else see it that way. Go for it.
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