Choices????? (CBT vs PBT)
Okay my fellow CISSPs, I've going to the 5 Day Training Camp (Official Review Seminar) sponsored by ISC2. I have the option to take the PBT on Sunday, March 17th or the CBT on Monday, March 18th at 1:30pm. I'm going to take advantage of the Saturday review session. I've taken both the PBT and the CBT before and honestly I can't remember the difficulty of the exams. Can someone please refresh my memory on the difference in your opinion the PBT vs CBT, I think I recall the PBT having less scenario questions, thoughts?
Bachelors of Science in Technical Management - Devry University
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida
dijital1 Member Posts: 64 ■■□□□□□□□□
I've only taken the CBT for the CSSLP exam and I preferred it over the PBT. Main reason is you don't lose the time filling in bubbles and double/triple checking that you didn't make any mistakes while doing so. -
coolz203 Member Posts: 73 ■■□□□□□□□□
With the cbt you find the grade that day. With pbt don't you have to wait for it to be graded? I have taken the cissp as cbt only and I have taken the CIA as a pbt. In both cases I remember having to fight fatigue. As far as material is concerned I would I imagine it being similar. -
webgeek Member Posts: 495 ■■■■□□□□□□
CBT all the way! My hand would get numb after filling in all those circles in the PBT! Plus you get your results same day (CBT) instead of waiting 3-5 weeks (PBT)BS in IT: Information Assurance and Security (Capella) CISSP, GIAC GSEC, Net+, A+ -
badrottie Member Posts: 116
Can someone please refresh my memory on the difference in your opinion the PBT vs CBT, I think I recall the PBT having less scenario questions, thoughts?
It really depends upon what your preferred exam taking style is. There are two big strikes against the PBT:
1) You have to transfer your answer to the scantron sheet, and there is always the risk of making a mistake. There is also the associated time impact of doing this as well.
2) You have to wait for what seems like forever and a day to get your results
There is one advantage to PBT:
You can write on the exam booklet, circle important words and eliminate answers which do not apply by crossing them out to assist you in making your final decision. It is very hard to do this on a computer screen, without incurring the wrath of the testing center employees.
I think getting immediate feedback on your exam trumps anything else. Waiting 6-8 weeks is difficult. I would rather know immediately if I passed or not, because if I failed, I could use that time to study for the next attempt. -
paul78 Member Posts: 3,016 ■■■■■■■■■■
@TBRAYS - whichever route you choose - good luck with it this time around.
I personally prefer a paper-based exam but that's because of the way that I visualize and seeing paper and being able to flip through papers makes me more relaxed. But the point that was made about fatigue is very real. And the time that it takes to circle in answers and erasing them to make changes is a lot more time-consuming than it may seem. -
ssehg Member Posts: 69 ■■□□□□□□□□
My preferred choice would be CBT as the result is instant.
You can flag questions with a click and review them later. -
da_vato Member Posts: 445
I signed up for a boot camp in May and never thought about any of this, thanks to the OP for starting this thread. The boot camp I will be attending uses PBT and this discussion will help me prepare logistically. -
ipchain Member Posts: 297
I have only taken the PBT, so I cannot speak for the CBT to be honest with you. It does not really matter though, go knock it out of the park!Every day hurts, the last one kills. -
jabney Member Posts: 61 ■■■□□□□□□□
I waited for the the CBT because the PBT seems so outdated. Call me weird but as an I.T person i despise paper -
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
Personally, I love the ability to shuffle, markup, and scribble all over paper. There's some positive, creative feedback I get from a pencil in my hand that I don't get with moving and clicking a mouse. I need to occasionally shift gears in my thinking, and switching between marking up the test booklet and bubbling in the answer sheet provides a nice interlude for me. That's just the way my brain is wired. -
dover Member Posts: 184 ■■■■□□□□□□
I think I'd prefer the paper based exam. When I took it, I know I found some 'hints' in later questions that helped me refine my answer to earlier questions. It is easy(ier) for me to have remember where in the exam booklet those earlier questions were as opposed to a CBT where I'd have probably gone through almost every question to find the one I was looking for.
This may sound weird but I also (kindof) enjoyed the whole CISSP test-experience: Take the paper based exam, freak-out for six weeks thinking I bombed it and planning my next attempt, then finally getting that e-mail from ISC2 and freaking out some more before I actually opened it and saw "Congratulations . . . "
But that's just me. I have the CISA coming up soon so looks like I'll have more 'enjoyment' to come.
Good luck TB. You have been persistent and go and kick it! -
TBRAYS Member Posts: 267
Day 1 has been intensive so far 8 to 9 but loving it!Bachelors of Science in Technical Management - Devry University
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida -
beads Member Posts: 1,533 ■■■■■■■■■□
Having tested on both paper and computer based testing I would still say I was most comfortable and in control with the paper based test.
- Wasn't worried that I suddenly color in the wrong dots. Plenty of time to triple if not quadruple check my answers if I saw fit.
- Not concerned with time as I had a good three hours left to complete the original paper based test.
- Proctored by other CISSPs not some marginally paid grunt with a clipboard standing over my test cubicle.
- No X-ray machine to walk through. No pat downs. No crazy interrogations as many of my testing sites so often require. I have taken tests at 6 in
the Chicagoland area. Most are overly intrusive or a joke in one form or another.
- Though it may have appeared to be a a bit of a 'cattle call' approach the distractions at my CISSP paper test were mild compared to some of the
testing centers I have experienced in the past.
- Lastly, I appreciated the fact that the testing room was conveniently located directly next to the hotel bar. Allowing me to quickly commiserate
with my fellow test mates after the test.
- Have to wait for the grading process upon completion. Nothing like instant gratification. I can wait it out.
- No need to get graphite (pencil) on my hands?
- I get part of my weekend back instead of sitting for a test on a Saturday I can take my own personal time off from work (depends on your
- Get to claim I am so much more modern as the whole test is computerized. Therefore we should eliminate anything paper based? Hardly.
Overall - meh. Still prefer paper as I just felt more in physical control of the test.
- beads -
Althmash7 Member Posts: 40 ■■□□□□□□□□
I prefer Pbt over Cbt as Pbt gives ur eyes less burden as compared to Cbt -
TBRAYS Member Posts: 267
Ya I finished the exam today now the wait begins!Bachelors of Science in Technical Management - Devry University
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida -
dijital1 Member Posts: 64 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hope it goes well mate. I'm a big fan of the CBT. That's what I chose for the ISSMP this past Friday. Saves time and money on trips. At this point I've taken 2 of the 5 ISC2 exams that I've taken via CBT and prefer that process much, much, more.
I like getting me results right away. Again, hope that your exam went well. -
Thistleback Member Posts: 151
Ya I finished the exam today now the wait begins!
After all the practice tests during bootcamp, didn't the real test just feel like one more practice? I just looked at it as more work, rather than a big deal - I felt that I was ready as I was ever going to be. Did it work that way for you too?Feel the fear, and do it anyway! -
TBRAYS Member Posts: 267
It actually did, I was able for the first time to underline specific words like conjunctions, adjectives, and verbs. Also whiched helped alot was reading the answers from D to A. Also reading the answers first or answering questions without seeing the answers first. I know I got over 150 questions right the rest I did eliminating the two wrong and choosing the best of the two. Keeping my fingers crossed. Now that I look back I missed some easy straight forward question because I was focused on difficult stuff.Bachelors of Science in Technical Management - Devry University
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida -
joebanny Member Posts: 84 ■■■□□□□□□□
How do you feel waiting? Wish you the best. I will go for CBT anyday. I have one scheduled in a little over 2 weeks. -
TBRAYS Member Posts: 267
Actually don't feel a thing, got to much on my plate now to even think about it.Bachelors of Science in Technical Management - Devry University
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida -
wintermute1 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am now in week four of waiting for my CISSP exam results. CBT for me if I ever put myself through this stuff again. -
Khaos1911 Member Posts: 366
I'll take CBT. Receiving my results immediately trumps all. If I have studied hard, put in the work, and paid a few hundred bucks, I want my score immediately! Taking the SSCP in a couple of weeks and waiting 4 to 6 weeks will be harder than the actual test (probably). I'm sure I'll pass, but the unnecessary anxiety that comes with waiting blows. -
TBRAYS Member Posts: 267
wintermute1 wrote: »I am now in week four of waiting for my CISSP exam results. CBT for me if I ever put myself through this stuff again.
I passed, received my results in 18 daysBachelors of Science in Technical Management - Devry University
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida -
wintermute1 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
Heard today that I passed. I still think the CBT is the way to go, but right now I am too happy to complain much about the PBT! -
TBRAYS Member Posts: 267
wintermute1 wrote: »Heard today that I passed. I still think the CBT is the way to go, but right now I am too happy to complain much about the PBT!
Well consider yourself a 1st gen CISSPer, lol!Bachelors of Science in Technical Management - Devry University
Masters of Information Systems Management with Enterprise Information Security - Walden University
Masters of Science in Information Assurance - Western Governors University
Masters of Science Cyber Security/Digital Forensics - University of South Florida -
Thistleback Member Posts: 151
Well consider yourself a 1st gen CISSPer, lol!
Ha, pretty soon we (the PBTers) will be the old farts who sit around and tell war stories . . .Feel the fear, and do it anyway!