Writing Server + test in a month.

in Server+
passed the a+ test easliy. really worried about this one. I have 10 yr of network, and sever experince. anyone recomment any practive tests or reading. i do have the one book comptia recommends but find it not very good. any help would be appreciated.
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
If you have server experience, you should be fine. I didn't, and don't have any server experience and I came close to passing, scored 718.. (The score to pass is 750, not 700 like the official CompTIA website states; does that seem messed up to you?).. Net+ was incredibly easy for me and I was pretty much new to IT all together when I took it.. This exam seemed a lot tougher, but everyone's different, plus i was running a fever when I sat for it.. Good luck! Let us know how it turned out! -
lawrence_of_arabia Member Posts: 58 ■■□□□□□□□□
They just changed the website to reflect the accurate pass score to 750 btw