Studying Network+ exam right now and a bit of intro to myself

hellolinhellolin Member Posts: 107
Hi everyone, I am not new here, but this is the first time I am making a thread, though of sharing some of my experience of learning network+ and some questions.

I am using Mike Meyer's book right now, almost finish reading it. After I finish reading it the first time I will probably brush up by speed reading it again. Also going to watch all of professor Messer's videos, those are great and they provide a different view of the network+ exam than just the book.

I just transfered from a local CC to a 4 year B&M state school, the tution is pretty cheap, but one problem is: Here in Cali the cuts are cutting all the classes back, leaving me on a slower track to finish my degree in computer information systems. I looked into one of the higher telecommuniation class(The one you have to take to graduate), and I found out that class is using a network+ textbook. I thought of myself, why wait? I would have study the network+ exam, which is pretty much what that upper division class is all about, and pass the exam before I can take the class! icon_profileleft.gif

There are a lot of very helpful information on this site, and I am surpised at how polite people discuss here. Really enjoyed this forum so far. I have no IT experience so far, having got out of the Military(Navy) 2 years ago as an aircraft mechanic. I hope I can get my network+ cert first so I can at least apply for an on campus intern for some experience before I graduate college. I will be almost 30 years old when I graudate due to my time spent in the military, so I really don't want to start somewhere low again like help desk.icon_silent.gif

Anyways enough about myself, you guys are probably tired of it too!

Now I have a question here: I see some of the guys here passed the exam used different kind of andriod/apple apps that helps them with flashcards & practice exams and such. What's some of your suggestions? I found out lots of them are paid apps, so I want to hear your advices first before I had to spend money to buy any of them. I know I haven't finish reading the book yet, but at times when I am waiting for the bus or something I can flip my phone on and read the app for study the network+ exam.icon_study.gif


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