Criminal background

reformed1reformed1 Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
I have a felony (battery) in 2005 and 3 misdemeanors related driving offenses ( driving without a license/insurance/dui) from 2007. I never did any prison/ jail time. I am 28 years old. I had a bad alcohol problem and got sober in 2008.

*Since 2008 I have graduated from the University of illinois with an information systems degree and have been accepted into graduate school at the same facility.Networking is one of my passions. I am working towards my CCNA certification with dreams of one day becoming a CCIE.What will my opportunities be with my background. Should I concentrate on another field such as programming where my convictions wont present such a big obstacle. I understand with networking you have access to data which makes having a background that much more difficult.

*I am just completely lost and feel hopeless. Where can I look for work once I do obtain these certifications ? I know the big companies will not touch me. Are there opportunities to consult or work for outsourcers or even starting my own business in networking where my background wont present such a challenge.


  • reformed1reformed1 Registered Users Posts: 4 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Any help or insight woulf be greatly appreciated !
  • ptilsenptilsen Member Posts: 2,835 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I don't see how one sub-area is going to care less about your background than others. Some companies will disqualify you. Some won't. You have an uphill battle, but there are lots -- lots of companies willing to give people another shot.

    Maybe someone else has some specific thoughts on it, but I really don't see that networking is going to be anymore difficult than any other area of IT. If you want to become a CCIE, work towards it. A felony from a decade or more ago is probably not going to keep any CCIEs unemployed.
    Working B.S., Computer Science
    Complete: 55/120 credits SPAN 201, LIT 100, ETHS 200, AP Lang, MATH 120, WRIT 231, ICS 140, MATH 215, ECON 202, ECON 201, ICS 141, MATH 210, LING 111, ICS 240
    In progress: CLEP US GOV,
    Next up: MATH 211, ECON 352, ICS 340
  • lordylordy Member Posts: 632 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I think you are on a very good way!

    Sure you have made some mistakes in your early 20's but that shouldn't stop you from finding a job if you keep working on your skills.

    Apply to positions that roughly fit your profile and when asked for a background check tell them the truth. Tell them what they will find when they dig and it will lose much of it's power. Some employers might still not want to hire you but I am sure that you will find an opportunity.

    I don't know the regulations in the US but you might want to check with the authorities when these things will disappear from record.

    Good luck!
    Working on CCNP: [X] SWITCH --- [ ] ROUTE --- [ ] TSHOOT
    Goal for 2014: RHCA
    Goal for 2015: CCDP
  • Rosco2382Rosco2382 Member Posts: 205 ■■■□□□□□□□
    My friend was able to get his Felony conviction removed from his record. I know he had to hire a lawyer and some time but it eventually was removed. I think you can go that route, or like others have said be open, tell the truth. Maybe get some good LOR and hopefully you find a company that will over look this. Its not a deal breaker but its a hindrance in the job hunt.
  • jibbajabbajibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Just want to jump in saying WELL DONE for kicking the habits in the backside and getting a degree. Wasn't easy, I can imagine. You will still have to keep fighting. Make no mistake. But we all fight these 'getting a job' battles, even without anything on the record.

    keep at it, study hard, getting certs and the rest will eventually follow. .. Just don't throw in the towel.
    My own knowledge base made public: :p
  • webgeekwebgeek Member Posts: 495 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Most companies only ask "In the last 7 years, have you been convicted of a felony" in the state of Florida. Don't know about the other states but you might consider moving on down icon_wink.gif
    BS in IT: Information Assurance and Security (Capella) CISSP, GIAC GSEC, Net+, A+
  • timrvttimrvt Member Posts: 28 ■□□□□□□□□□
    2013 Industrial Security Clearance Decisions

    interesting site listing people who applied for clearances and had "issues" with finances/alcohol/drugs/law etc..

    in some cases the appearance of effort is enough ..along with the passage of time
  • kevozzkevozz Member Posts: 305 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Check this thread:


    It all comes down to liability for your employer.

    Do a google search for "Federal Bonding Program" and/or "Felon(y) Bonding Program".

    Check with your DOL. They offer help with this. offers a few examples. AT&T is listed as a felony friendly company.
  • Mrock4Mrock4 Banned Posts: 2,359 ■■■■■■■■□□
    As others have said, it'll depend on where you go. I personally know someone in the same boat as you (or very similar)..although they're not as motivated as you appear to be, so you're on the right track.

    If I were you, I'd work on getting a foot in the door and establishing a track record of trust, reliability, and dependability..then moving to different companies (including big ones) will be a LOT easier since you'll have "proved" yourself at other places. Of course the caveat here is if they disqualify based on criminal background then that's just not going to happen at that one organization..but there are plenty willing to give you a shot, you just have to work harder than most to find those places.

    I sincerely wish you the best of luck, I know it can be difficult, but you're turning your life around, and that's never going to be easy, but surely very worth it in the long run.
  • paul78paul78 Member Posts: 3,016 ■■■■■■■■■■
    @reformed1 - I cannot imagine your troubles but I wanted to congratulate you on how far you have come. I sincerely hope that you find your way in the job market.

    I'll post the same advice that I posted in the past on this board. The reality is that in a lot of industries, the felony battery and DUI will automatically disqualify you from a few types of jobs.

    But on the plus side - In the US, it is illegal for hiring companies to discriminate against job applicants with criminal records if the crime has no bearing on the job being performed. At some point, I hope that someone will test some of the newer rules in the Supreme Court (if not already done). New guidance was actually issued by the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) last year that states that employers CANNOT use blanket policies to exclude the hiring of an applicant.

    According to the EEOC - "If the employer does not show that such an exclusion is “job related and consistent with business necessity” for the position in question, the exclusion is unlawful under Title VII."

    Title VII is in reference to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    So, if you are told that you cannot be hired simply because you have a criminal record, the employer may be breaking the law in the US.

    The EEOC guidance prescribes that each applicant must be evaluated in an individual basis. I am actually quite glad to finally see this type of guidance in the US. As a risk and infosec manager, I am often at odds with my HR peers on some of the policies which they have enacted which have no proportional response to risk to the business. And are often based on fear instead of actual evidence and fact.

    Also - as others have mentioned - since you did not do any jail-time - you may want to consider engaging with an attorney to see if you can get some of your criminal record expunged.

    Best of luck in your endevours.
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