Unable to get hired, what's wrong with me or what I am doing wrong?

geekoncallgeekoncall Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
OK here is my situation. I have over 6+ years of experience as Technical Support / Help Desk. My current Job is so stressful, high load of work, most of angry/escalation calls and less pay. It's been over 6-8 months and I am trying to change Job but unable to get any Job. I am in Canada, do have clean criminal, credit record background etc, still unable to get any single Job. At this point, I am extremely upset and frustrated, unable to understand why I am not getting a different Job and must keep continue with this Job that I hate every day.

Here is what happened so far!

1- Geek Squad Online Support Interview ( 12 days ago), passed first local Manager Interview, he was very impressed with my CV, experience and knowledge related to Job. He told me right away that I am short listed and gonna get final Interview. 3 days later, got final Interview with Canadian Manager, same as first interview, Manager was very impressed as I have 6+ years of experience related to Job. I know all tools and procedures etc and He told me I am all done, He is very happy with interview and I gonna get call to start training. After waiting 5 days, I got email that sorry, we have selected another candidate.

2- Software Tech Support, here in Toronto Canada. 2 Months ago, got a phone interview, all went okay. Later invited first in person interview, went perfect. Last interview with Manager, in very friendly environment, Manager was very impressed, he actually took me out at end of Interview, showed me my possible seat, jobs and responsibilities etc, introduce me with site supervisor, than He told me next Monday they will call me to start training. Monday, I got email that sorry to inform you but we found another suitable candidate and done.

3- Got so many Phone Interviews, everything goes ok, I can tell from Interview that I answer all questions properly, I meet all their requirements included salary, experience and knowledge etc, still unable to get offer of employment.

There are several other scenarios, almost same, so final results are... I will go through all stages, pass all and still won't be hired. Could some one shed light on it, what could be possible reasons not calling me for hire? I am just hopeless now, I think something is seriously wrong here, maybe my name, my race or what ever, hopefully you understand how I am feeling now.

Any comments, advises welcome and highly appreciated.
WGU BSB-IT Progress: Date Started: 2013/03/01
Working ON: Completed Bachelor :). Thinking for MBA
Project+, CIW Web Associate, MTA Network Associate
Transferred/Completed: AGC1, BBC1, QLC1, QMC1, QLT1, INC1, BVC1, LIT1, EST1, FNT1, MKC1, MKT1, MGC1, QAT1, EGT1,LAE1, LUT1, BNC1, LWC1, INT1, QBT1, EGC1, FNC1, CLC1, IWC1, RWT1, BDC1, IWT1, TPV1, CWV1, WFV1, QFT1, PFIT


  • NetworkVeteranNetworkVeteran Member Posts: 2,338 ■■■■■■■■□□
    There are several other scenarios, almost same, so final results are... I will go through all stages, pass all and still won't be hired. Could some one shed light on it, what could be possible reasons not calling me for hire?
    You list six years of experience, but no major promotions, degrees, or certifications. Is that accurate? It sounds like you're a mixture of over-qualified and under-qualified for these roles. Geek Squad is something I associate with folks just starting out.
  • JoJoCal19JoJoCal19 Mod Posts: 2,835 Mod
    Are the prospective employers calling your current employer? Could your current employer be bad-mouthing you?
    Have: CISSP, CISM, CISA, CRISC, eJPT, GCIA, GSEC, CCSP, CCSK, AWS CSAA, AWS CCP, OCI Foundations Associate, ITIL-F, MS Cyber Security - USF, BSBA - UF, MSISA - WGU
    Currently Working On: Python, OSCP Prep
    Next Up:​ OSCP
    Studying:​ Code Academy (Python), Bash Scripting, Virtual Hacking Lab Coursework
  • PolynomialPolynomial Member Posts: 365
    geekoncall wrote: »
    OK here is my situation. I have over 6+ years of experience as Technical Support / Help Desk.

    This. Seriously. I believe 6+ years help desk experience combined with you looking for more tech support roles is a negative.

    Its how HR (and frankly I) would think.

  • geekoncallgeekoncall Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks all for your replies, sincerely appreciated.

    @Networkveteran, yes, unfortunately due to economic and other circumstances, I couldn't go towards any certification etc. I am just completing Bachelor at WGU. I applied GS because they pay was good than what I am making now, killing work for $12.50/h. GS job post was at 16.50/h and from home too, which will help me to finish my degree.

    @JoJoCal19, they do ask for reference, I haven't head any one called yet. Even they call, I have 100% clean record on all previous/current Jobs. My current Job even though I hate and I am feeling so stress about it, still I maintain QA standards etc. So, guess, that's not the case.

    @Polynomial, do you think I should take out anll experiences etc from CV and just put 2 employers which both of are from Canada? like 2-3 years of tech experience resume?

    Thanks again guys, at least I have place to express what I feel, appreciated.
    WGU BSB-IT Progress: Date Started: 2013/03/01
    Working ON: Completed Bachelor :). Thinking for MBA
    Project+, CIW Web Associate, MTA Network Associate
    Transferred/Completed: AGC1, BBC1, QLC1, QMC1, QLT1, INC1, BVC1, LIT1, EST1, FNT1, MKC1, MKT1, MGC1, QAT1, EGT1,LAE1, LUT1, BNC1, LWC1, INT1, QBT1, EGC1, FNC1, CLC1, IWC1, RWT1, BDC1, IWT1, TPV1, CWV1, WFV1, QFT1, PFIT
  • chmodchmod Member Posts: 360 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Post your resume, that might help us to have an idea of who you are and to let us see what HR see.
  • sratakhinsratakhin Member Posts: 818
    Ask a friend to call you former boss and ask for a reference.
    Also agree that 6 years of tech support is too much, especially if you don't yet have a degree and certifications. Hiring managers may dismiss you as not ambitious enough.
  • geekoncallgeekoncall Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks @Chmod, I have uploaded resume here, also gonna upload as new thread, please take a look and let me know what I need to edit/change.Resume001.doc

    Thanks @sratakhin, good advise, gonna definitely try this trick.
    WGU BSB-IT Progress: Date Started: 2013/03/01
    Working ON: Completed Bachelor :). Thinking for MBA
    Project+, CIW Web Associate, MTA Network Associate
    Transferred/Completed: AGC1, BBC1, QLC1, QMC1, QLT1, INC1, BVC1, LIT1, EST1, FNT1, MKC1, MKT1, MGC1, QAT1, EGT1,LAE1, LUT1, BNC1, LWC1, INT1, QBT1, EGC1, FNC1, CLC1, IWC1, RWT1, BDC1, IWT1, TPV1, CWV1, WFV1, QFT1, PFIT
  • Complete_IT_ProfessionalComplete_IT_Professional Member Posts: 53 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I would also suggest there is something that is happening during the interview. They seem impressed enough with the resume to get you in for an interview. During the interview, they don't often tell you you're not successful during it, but afterwards.

    It can be hard to work out if there's something you're doing wrong, but perhaps there are a few questions you're not answering in a good way or maybe your presentation. I've written some tips on interviews on my site as I think interviews are worth researching before you attend them.

    Also, don't give up! It's good you're asking for advice, but don't give up looking for a job. I'm sure you'll find one at some stage!
    I run CompleteITProfessional.com - a website dedicated to helping IT professionals improve their careers.
  • geekoncallgeekoncall Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
    @Complete_IT_PROFESSIONAL, thanks so much for your advises and encouragement, sincerely appreciated. I am much relaxed after reading great comments from you all. Just reading your website, great tips, recommended for everybody.
    WGU BSB-IT Progress: Date Started: 2013/03/01
    Working ON: Completed Bachelor :). Thinking for MBA
    Project+, CIW Web Associate, MTA Network Associate
    Transferred/Completed: AGC1, BBC1, QLC1, QMC1, QLT1, INC1, BVC1, LIT1, EST1, FNT1, MKC1, MKT1, MGC1, QAT1, EGT1,LAE1, LUT1, BNC1, LWC1, INT1, QBT1, EGC1, FNC1, CLC1, IWC1, RWT1, BDC1, IWT1, TPV1, CWV1, WFV1, QFT1, PFIT
  • MutataMutata Member Posts: 176

    I have a potential lead for you - My current employer is looking to fill a Support Engineer position. Is it possible for you to provide me with the full version of your resume ? If you want to PM me I can provide you with more details. We are located in Toronto and are having a tough time filling the position.

    It would be awesome to help someone in the TE community.
  • gkcagkca Member Posts: 243 ■■■□□□□□□□
    geekoncall, Mutata, are you guys on linkedin?
    "I needed a password with eight characters so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves." (c) Nick Helm
  • MutataMutata Member Posts: 176
    I do - and you just reminded me I really should actually fill mine out, it's pretty bare. icon_lol.gif I will add some info and PM you a link sir.
  • dazl1212dazl1212 Member Posts: 377
    I have been in a similar position although I dont hate my job I just think its time for me to grow up and move up the ladder.
    I think its for the same reasons I'm either over qualified or under qualified for roles as I've spent to long in low end tech roles.
    so I'm hoping getting a few certs will help.
    Just done my net+ and I'm going to move on to my CCNAicon_study.gif
    All the besticon_thumright.gif
    Here's hoping we both get the roles we desire.
    Goals for 2013 Network+ [x] ICND1 [x] ICND2 [ ]
  • pertpert Member Posts: 250
    In my experience from what you've described its one of 2 things. Either you are actually messing up these interviews in some crucial way, or you are doing everything fine, but there is someone else who is actually just better qualified. You have no degrees or certs, so I'm assuming youre just losing out to candidates that do.
  • jibbajabbajibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Unfortunately pert is probably right on the money. I understand personal circumstances, that taking exams is sometimes not easy, but in the world of today, if you don't have any after 6 years, it might be seen as "odd" and might raise eye brows.

    Based on what you describe, you probably do very well in interviews, but based on missing qualifications make the end of the short list.

    This is usually called (in recruitment terms) you are a "challenger" or "outsider" .. Which means if no one else comes along, the job will be yours.

    So unfortunately if the company has two good interviews, one got certs, you likely missing out.

    BUT .. I also agree with the other - never EVER give up .. you will get a new job eventually... Plus, sometimes you MIGHT sound desperate, even if you don't notice it yourself.

    You got a smartphone ? Put it on silent next time you have an interview and record the conversation, then maybe listen to it the day later with a fresh head and see if you came across pushy, desperate etc.
    My own knowledge base made public: http://open902.com :p
  • N2ITN2IT Inactive Imported Users Posts: 7,483 ■■■■■■■■■■
    I think the 2nd piece of what Pert said is happening. I've been a manager and hired countless service desk and deskside techs and a lot of times it comes down to education and sometimes certification. I am guessing your lack of a degree is holding you back. I see you are at WGU, good for you, that should help out a lot.

    Have you tried going through a consulting company?
  • geekoncallgeekoncall Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Mutata, thanks so much for your help, I sincerely appreciate your co-operation.

    gkca, yes I do have LinkedIn profile, actually 3 years old but never get any good response from there, maybe I need to revise my profile too. You can take a look here Profile to see if needs some improvements? Thanks again.

    @dazl1212, agreed, I can see almost all member suggestion that possible reason that I can get a Job includes no certificates. My current degree includes Project+ and 2 more, but I will start with A+ maybe..

    pert, thanks for your input, perfectly makes sense. I am agree, personally I don't think any other reason than not having enough qualifications. I guess experience is not everything.. do you have any certificate recommendation to began with?

    jibbajabba, thanks so much for your encouraging words and great tip about recording interview. I am agree, maybe it's just me who feeling all okay but in fact I am not doing well in interview.. recording will make that clear if I needs something to be improve etc during next interview. But actually I failed after passing some in-person interview too like the scenario above #2. I was 100% sure that I got the job as Manager walked out with me, introducing with Supervisor, showing me my seat and than just after 1 day, I got call for "sorry". But yes, love you words that "NEVER GIVE UP", eventually I will get one day. Just planing now to go for certification path, I know it's not quick and easy, but any recommendation to begin with?

    Thanks all, you are all awesome and life savers. I am out of huge stress now. Let see what is next for me.
    WGU BSB-IT Progress: Date Started: 2013/03/01
    Working ON: Completed Bachelor :). Thinking for MBA
    Project+, CIW Web Associate, MTA Network Associate
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  • geekoncallgeekoncall Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
    N2IT, Thanks for your input. I fully agree, I guess I didn't realize the importance of certifications. I was feeling as I have experience and skills, that would be enough. Yes, I actually had a 2 year Bachelor Degree, just upgrading to 4 year at WGU, almost there. I did contact various consulting firms, I traveled to different area to have just one interview with consulting company. Only successful was kelly Service which gave me 6 month contract position but that was all. I get numerous phone call, emails and I reply all promptly, but unable to get a real job.
    WGU BSB-IT Progress: Date Started: 2013/03/01
    Working ON: Completed Bachelor :). Thinking for MBA
    Project+, CIW Web Associate, MTA Network Associate
    Transferred/Completed: AGC1, BBC1, QLC1, QMC1, QLT1, INC1, BVC1, LIT1, EST1, FNT1, MKC1, MKT1, MGC1, QAT1, EGT1,LAE1, LUT1, BNC1, LWC1, INT1, QBT1, EGC1, FNC1, CLC1, IWC1, RWT1, BDC1, IWT1, TPV1, CWV1, WFV1, QFT1, PFIT
  • ChitownjediChitownjedi Member Posts: 578 ■■■■■□□□□□
    Keep it up, its fine tuning on the interview process till you know exactly which way makes what you say the best way you can say it. I agree that the experience and skills are vital... however I noticed an all most sickening increase in calls/emails from recruiters just going from A+ to A+ Net+... even though my experience didn't change just adding certs seemed to have me become "visible" to even more hiring possibilities and I guess validated my skills even more in their eyes.

    Let's just say having the Certs never hurt me. And if you are a good worker and know your stuff... then I'm sure something else/better will show soon for you.
  • NetworkingStudentNetworkingStudent Member Posts: 1,407 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I’m in the same boat, yet I only have PC tech repair experience and an internship at a computer repair shop. I added some links that might help. Are you listing that you are currently attending WGU on your resume? Are you sending thank you letters?
    Here are the links:


    Ask a Manager

    the Ask a Manager guide to preparing for job interviews

    I thought this was a good post too:
    Shauna Moerke is… » Blog Archive » “I just want a job”

    Good luck!
    When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened."

    --Alexander Graham Bell,
    American inventor
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