
WGU Software track

neemo6neemo6 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
Im about to finish my Associates in Computer Info Systems in a couple of weeks from community college and seriously considering WGU. The big selling point to me is all the certs that come along with the program especially the Java programming cert. I currently have CIW Web Associates cert and plan on taking the compTIA Net+ in about a month. I would like to hear from the guys on this program and their feedback. Also I work full time and travel alot for my job(60+hrs when traveling), currently im taking 5 classes (13credit hours) one an 8wk course so double the work, just to finish this term and complete my Associates. This is a bit too much to handle I must admit. How many classes would you guys recommend I start off with? I would like to find a balance that is not too much but would like to finish my degree in a pretty quick amount of time (under 1.5 years). Since tuition is based off of the term not amount of classes, makes me concerned that I might not take enough courses. All this just seems a little confusing to me. Your thoughts?


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    milieumilieu Member Posts: 41 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Your mentor will probably start you off with a limited number of classes. Typically, they want you to make 12 units a term. If you don't, you are technically not making satisfactory progress, which can affect your financial aid.

    Once you get 12 units done, they will usually be happy to add more classes and accelerate your progress.

    Assuming that your AA degree allows you to knock off most of the general education credits, you'll probably end up with about 80-90 credits to finish. That's doable in 3 terms (all terms are 6 months), but it would mean a very steady, strong pace.

    How much time do you think you can put towards the classes? Working 60 hours is tough. Do you have a lot of downtime when you travel where you could be doing your reading?
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    neemo6neemo6 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Right now I'm doing about 30+ hours of school work, like i said this is rather toughas it leaves me no life other than school and work. If i could do half of that, I could do it no problem. 20hrs max.
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    neemo6neemo6 Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Nobody here in the Software track?
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    milieumilieu Member Posts: 41 ■□□□□□□□□□
    There doesn't seem to be many of us. ;) Most of the WGU IT people seem to be network admin or security.

    I'm not sure I can give a hard & fast answer for you. It really depends on how many credits transfer in, how fast you can read and master the material, do you have local test centers, how often you can schedule tests, etc.

    That said, 15-20 hours a week is really good though (better than me anyway!), and I think it's certainly possible to finish in 3 terms. 30 units is about 6-8 classes in 6 months. So, on average, you have a month to finish a class. That means finishing the reading and any assignments, and passing practice tests with a high enough score to be referred. That will be easy for some classes, and challenging for others.
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    NotHackingYouNotHackingYou Member Posts: 1,460 ■■■■■■■■□□
    WGU seems like a good fit for you. I am in the software program and I like it.
    When you go the extra mile, there's no traffic.
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