
How bad are gaps in career and what is the right approach?

palitpalit Member Posts: 96 ■■□□□□□□□□
I have a gap of 1 year and 3 months as I moved to a new country and the job market was not that great I was not able to get a job.However in the mean time I did a couple of certification (CCENT and ITIL -f) and will be sitting for CCNA in a few days time.I am from a teleco background.Now that I am getting a few calls from the recruitment agents<i havent been able to get a call for an interview as they say that the gap is too long and their client is not ready to take any risk.Inspite of the fact that I havent been completely out of touch and that I have an experience of 4.5 years in a reputed organization nothing is helping me to get a call for an interview,leave aside a job.
Is my approach of telling them the truth that i took a gap coz of reasons like (a)i wanted to do some certifications ,(b)the job market was not that good not right?Should I have something like self-employed or something like into consulting (like many people who have gaps i their career write in the CVs)?
Can anyone help??

P.s I have a bachelor's degree in electronics & communications and a Post Graduation specializing in telecom as well
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