BOV1 is Brutal!!! (CIW Javascript at WGU) Help!

kirk_nckirk_nc Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
I dont know what to say.....

I've completed 4 courses so far Security+, Project+, Org Behavior, CIW Web Design but I cannot wrap my brain around BOV1....I am a VERY weak programmer and its not looking so good moving forward. Currently I am at Lesson 5 and coding is really intimidating, its not for me...

What are my options???? I wish I would drop this course....can I drop the course ? Any advice on passing? Any advice is helpful, I really need it! Thanks


  • volumevolume Member Posts: 56 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I had to print out the damn book, divide it up by chapter, and force myself to study it. The good news is that the sample tests are very similar to the real thing, so remember that (for the test) you don't need to know how to code, you need to know how to read code.
  • olaHaloolaHalo Member Posts: 748 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Im scheduled to take the exam in a few days. I dont expect it to be tough.
    Ill post here on how I do.

    I just did the practice exams btw, and then asked my mentor to approve me for the assessment.

    My advice is just to stick it out and do it. Print out the pdfs at work (hopefully you can) and put them in a binder and just read them.
  • JasionoJasiono Member Posts: 896 ■■■■□□□□□□
    That's actually my next class and I can't stand programming myself haha. I am looking forward to it though. As far as dropping a class goes, you can't. Everything in these courses are set in stone and required for you to get the degree.
  • snunez889snunez889 Member Posts: 238 ■■■□□□□□□□
    This is my next class too. Hope its not to difficult
  • NotHackingYouNotHackingYou Member Posts: 1,460 ■■■■■■■■□□
    If you are having a hard time with the fundamentals of javascipt try head first javascript. I think I spent about 2.5 weeks reading the supplied material which was everything I needed for the exam. However, I have some javascript experience and have previously read the Head First JavaScript book Head First JavaScript eBook: Michael Morrison: Kindle Store

    The supplied practice exam was representative of the actual exam. If you can pass that practice exam confidently, you can pass the CIW exam.
    When you go the extra mile, there's no traffic.
  • boredgameladboredgamelad Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Give Codecademy a look. Great resource for learning the fundamentals, which is all you really need for BOV1.

    JavaScript | Codecademy
  • olaHaloolaHalo Member Posts: 748 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I just got back from this exam.
    It wasnt hard at all.
    I actually got my first 100% on this exam. I found it easier than the CUV1 which is odd.

    Most of the questions gave you some code/script, and asked you what it will output, or if it has an error, etc.
    Good luck with yours!
  • Cold TitaniumCold Titanium Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 82 ■■□□□□□□□□
    If you can score high on the practice test and understand the questions, you shouldn't have any trouble on the actual exam. They're REALLY similar.
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  • demonfurbiedemonfurbie Member Posts: 1,819 ■■■■■□□□□□
    wgu undergrad: done ... woot!!
    WGU MS IT Management: done ... double woot :cheers:
  • kirk_nckirk_nc Member Posts: 7 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the advice and additional resources!! I studied on newboston and code academy and I found out that my skills in javascript were a little better than I thought. For some reason long code intimidates me but with that said I successfully passed today with a 89%!!icon_cheers.gif

    And just as someone mentioned, it was far easier than the Web Design Specialist exam!! On to the Windows 7 exam and then FINALLY CISCO!!!
  • olaHaloolaHalo Member Posts: 748 ■■■■□□□□□□
    congrats on the pass
  • jehjeh007jehjeh007 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I just just took test with CIW Javascript 1D0-635 for the third and possibly last time as I cannot afford to attend WGU anymore. I don't know if I will be given a fourth chance, so call this my final warning/last stand for justice.

    I'm not proud to say, but I failed it. The test is very rigged to cover only 20 percent of what you studied for, including the labs you have done. Here are the warnings I have.

    1. The coding you have to pick from is breaking all the rules of the coding practices they teach you. I can't be serious enough about that. Even the choices you make are bad choices, you are forced to pick from the best of the worst on what appeared to me to be about 30 percent of the test. This leaves you with a maximum of 70 percent while the rest is the best educated guesses you may come up with. Ha - Good Luck Buddy!

    2. Not a lot of what you studied is in the test. I don't want to say don't study (STUDY YOUR BUTT OFF), but what I am trying to say is it will not appear on the test. You NEED TO STUDY so as to have the logic needed to program JavaScript (that is what I was lacking the first 2 times and not much help was coming from the mentor back then. THIS HAS NOT THE CASE DURING THIS TERM). Frankly, there is nothing any mentor could have done to prepare me for what was one this test.

    3. Ambiguous coding examples - I can't stress that enough. Half of the samples where "do nothing but get any coder in trouble" if you ever used that crap in the real world. So be ready to see the worse examples of coding and good luck.

    I noticed a lot of people are not posting to this subject, which tells me a lot of people are failing it yet they don't want to tell the world. Call me what you will, but I am not a loser. A+, MCSE, Network +, Security +, CIW Web Design Spec, CIW Database Spec and MCP with 18 years of real world experience. The test is very "nick picky" and does nothing to advance you to a career, let alone a degree. I have told my mentor this many of times. Oh, and if you think you can study up until the test time, forget about it. You will be locked out of CIW at least 9 hours before the test. Why? I don't know.

    You cannot beat something that has Empirical Power over your destiny and that is the CIW JavaScript 1D0-635 test for me. The test is rigged for you to fail, period. A reasonable sane people would therefore take a different path of achievement. Perhaps you should consider that as well. WHATEVER HAPPENS, KNOW THAT THE FAULT IS NOT YOU! It is CIW.

    My message to CIW, you rat bastards are so full of yourselves when it comes to that test. Yes, I'm calling you out. Show us how any of those codes work in any browser and I will more than be happy to retract my statements. What you are doing is not close to right. Stealing peoples money and their dreams. Why? Because you can. Winning by stealing makes anyone a loser.
  • jehjeh007jehjeh007 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Did you pass the JavaScript test?
  • HauntHaunt Member Posts: 62 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I passed it not long ago. I started it with pretty much zero programming background so I was worried about my chances of passing it too. I used Learn to code | Codecademy for practicing and really getting the concepts down. Had I only relied on the CIW learning materials, I'm not so sure I would've passed it first try. Codecademy helped a lot.

    Another thing, it all started coming together for me when I got to the CIW lesson that explained forms (buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons etc.) and how they work. I think they should have made that an earlier lesson rather than one of the later lessons. The real certification exam mainly focuses on problems having to do with forms so it's very important to understand them and how they work.
  • prampram Member Posts: 171
    That test doesn't really require you to know javascript in depth.

    It seemed to me, when I took it, that it mostly focused on the vocabulary of the built in functions (string methods, math methods etc) and the correctness of the syntax.

    I mean it wasn't 'easy' but you certainly don't have to know how to program in javascript to pass it.
  • srabieesrabiee Member Posts: 1,231 ■■■■■■■■□□
    I'm studying through BOV1 now and I hate this class. Boring and confusing as hell. Cant wait till this one is finished.
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  • snunez889snunez889 Member Posts: 238 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I thought it was easy. There's only a few chapters and doesn't really require you to know javascript to much in depth. Just be able to read it.
  • boredgameladboredgamelad Member Posts: 365 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I'm not sure what test jehjeh007 is taking but that was not my experience at all. Everything on the test was something I studied, and in some cases, questions on the test were copied word-for-word from the study materials provided by CIW. I passed on my first attempt and I only used the CIW-provided study materials. I did none of the labs.
  • KoldKold Member Posts: 17 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I passed this one back in May with a 95% after 12-14 days of studying, with 0 programming knowledge. I found the test to be almost identical to the CIW practice exams, with some questions feeling like a word for word copy with just the numbers/variables changed. As others have noted, its more about learning to read code than being able to actually code something yourself. I also did none of the labs or exercises.
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