
Yes, it's this thread again: Interview next week? What to expect?

z3r0coolz3r0cool Member Posts: 49 ■■□□□□□□□□
I submitted my resume to a company and didn't really expect to hear anything, but I got a phone call from a lady in HR regarding the position. Very nice, we talked about her company and mine and what I do, why I want to leave, etc.... So I'm supposed to hear back regarding scheduling a 'meeting with the manager', next week.

I've only been to one other interview since I was hired with my present company. It was for a similar position and they had a 20 question sheet with tech questions. Is that common place? The lady in HR made no mention of any tech questions or the like.

I plan on learning a bit more about the company so I can seem a bit more prepared when I go in. Do interviewers still use the old questions like: 'what's your biggest weakness / challenges at work' and all that stuff?

Should I bring a pad for note taking?



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    Danielm7Danielm7 Member Posts: 2,310 ■■■■■■■■□□
    There really is no definitive answer for what an interviewer will ask. Some might ask lots of tech questions, some might just try to get a feel for your personality and work style. Best to just try to be prepared, calm and don't try to blurt out answers quickly if you aren't sure of the answer. Nothing bugs me more when I ask salespeople a question and they just start rambling trying to take up time while they think of an answer, I'd rather know that you need to research that more to give me the 100% correct answer... then again I'm not in HR either.
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    bobjcbobjc Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I've interviewed at a bunch of different companies recently in my job search so maybe I can give you some help.

    I bring this leather bound booklet with legal notepad in there that I can use to take notes. I haven't ever really had to take them but the option is there for you. Also, remember to bring a couple copies of your resume and references in case you have a panel interview. Two of my interviews (out of about six or so) were panel interviews and it helps that everyone has a copy of your updated resume.

    On 3 out of my 6 interviews, I was given a sheet with some tech questions on it. This changes depending on what exactly the position entails, but I'd just read up on some general tech questions. On my little exams, I found a lot of the questions pertained to networking so brush up your common ports and various acronyms.

    And yes, they still ask you biggest strengths/weaknesses.
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    nicktornettanicktornetta Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
    if they ask what your biggest strengths and weaknesses are.. tell them you can leap tall buildings in a single bound and your weakness is kryptonite. if you can pull it off, they will laugh.

    the interviewer should not be asking that question for a professional level position, and most of them usually know that.
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