
web development

fbodyfool92fbodyfool92 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
so ive been focusing on the CCENT/CCNA so far, but in my intro to computers class we've started on an html project and im becoming pretty interested in the web development area too. are there any certs for this field that are recognized to maybe land me an entry level type job in this field? and as far as the ccent/ccna i see on cisco's site that the last day to take the exam is sept 30th this year, but i heard some ppl say its changed already, which of these is true? lol also what companies would hire someone new to web development? anything helps thanks!


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    Master Of PuppetsMaster Of Puppets Member Posts: 1,210
    The new and old versions of CCENT/CCNA are available now.After September you will only be able to take the new ones, right now both are an option.
    Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity. My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for.
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    Rosco2382Rosco2382 Member Posts: 205 ■■■□□□□□□□
    A little off topic, but I am going to school for Computer Programming, using a variety of Programming Languages. I too got interested in web development during my HTML courses. For me I am lucky I got my foot in the door as a help desk guy, but after my fall semester my company is moving me into the Programming side since I have shown a lot of interest. I'm still working on my certs because I still want to keep up with the technology and keep my options open.

    Companies do hire new web developers, but I would do what a lot of my friends in school are doing and keeping our projects and expanding them. Its like a working resume that you can show potential companies that you may not have a lot of experience but you can contribute and do a lot with the languages.
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    fbodyfool92fbodyfool92 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
    @ masterofpuppets
    kool man thanks for helpin me clear that up! lol

    how r u liking that help desk job? im kinda dredding the thought of help desk jobs, what does your job deal with specifically? in my class i picked up on microsoft office, im pretty sufficient with it, not a master but im pretty good and was thinking maybe get the certs for that and get a help desk job dealing with office stuff, but those jobs are kinda hard to find at least for me anyways lol
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