damn I got 677
I was running out of time so I had rush the answers and also left 6 or 7 questions unanswered so went back ton them and just answered the best I could within 2 mins. Suck!
tony71 Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
It was CISSP. Seems my weak points were Software Development Security and Telecomunication Network security.
To be honest it wasn't that bad of an exam but the secenerios were very longs like 4 or 5 paragraphs and there were a few so those were the ones
that slowed me down. At the I only had a few miniutes to go back and go over the ones that i didn't answer and I think I left some.
So if I got 677 that means I was off by 5 or 6 questions? I feel like I can go back in and take it again next week but I need to study more on the software development security and telecomuncations.
Any suggesttions? -
webgeek Member Posts: 495 ■■■■□□□□□□
Beef up on your weakest domains and don't forget to understand the (ISC)2 code of ethics.
But remember that the CISSP questions comes from a bank of questions.BS in IT: Information Assurance and Security (Capella) CISSP, GIAC GSEC, Net+, A+ -
tony71 Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
I feel like I only to read the two chapters for the two domains and I can go back and take it again.
I did get questions on the ethics and they were easy.
I think I may have lef out 3 or 4 questions not answering and still got 677.
I'm going to take 2 weeks off and just relax and then study and take it again. -
moyondizvo Member Posts: 155
Hi Tony, sorry you didn't make it this time, just hang in there. I am glad to read though that you felt that the exam wasn't that hard, it appears you have an understanding of the concepts, that's good.
My recommendation is not to take a break, get right back into it and retake the exam at the next available opportunity, if I am correct that should be after a month, please check the ISC2 website for precise information on retaking the exam. Although you may feel like just studying for those two domains only, go over all the domains, you will be faced with a different set of questions so it's best to be well prepared. Obviously spend a lot of time on your weaker domains, just don't overlook the domains that you feel confident because they could be the same domains that could disappoint you.
Another tip is take as many practice exams as you can, ensure that you are allocating yourself 6 hours per practice exam, that way you will learn to pace yourself and won't have to run into time issues like you did. Your time management is very important.
All the best and don't give up. -
tony71 Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks for the advise. I went ahead and ordered the Eric Conrad book, it is less than 600 pages??! The Shon Harris book I think may have
burned me out, to much to read and a waste.
Once I get the Eric Conrad book I will read that and schedule for another exam. -
Jake007 Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Tony, dont let to much time pass before you reschedule, sooner the better (30 days or so not much longer) you will get it, -
tony71 Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks Jake.
I already ordered the eric conrad book will arrive tomorrow. I will start studying the two weakest domain and go back and retake it. -
Humbe Member Posts: 202
I'm really sorry to hear that.
The Eric Conrad book helped me a lot when I took the exam.