AAA Authorization Syntax

Christopher DobkowskiChristopher Dobkowski Member Posts: 98 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hi there guys!

I am currently studying for my ccna: security (640-554) exam and got to the point where I'm presented with syntax for enabling AAA authentication - authorization - accounting. I fully grasped the authentication syntax but I have a little fuzz going on about the authorization syntax. To be more specific:

R1(config)# aaa accounting commands 1 TAC-act1 start-stop group tacacs+
R1(config)# aaa accounting commands 15 TAC-act15 start-stop group tacacs+

OK, those commands are created to allow users with privilege level 1 and 15 to get authenticated by the tacacs+ server. What I can't grasp and find what it is, is the "start-stop" part. icon_rolleyes.gif


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