
CCNA Certification Exam Discount - Processing Time

evilwizardevilwizard Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□

I have just applied for the CCNA Certification Exam Discount (composite) on the new netacad.com website. The discount status is currently listed as follows:

"Your request is processing. You should receive a request to verify your email within 3 weeks."

How long (on average) does it usually take for Cisco to send you an email from which I will be able to verify my details? Personally, I am a little bit impatient about having to wait another 3 weeks until I can apply for the discount exam.

From what I've read, after the email verification is complete, you still have to wait a few more days until the exam discount process is fully complete.

Any comments on this issue are appreciated.

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