Sybex Books

ludzerludzer Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
How good are the Sybex books? and how good are the xxxxxx for preparing?


  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    Sybex books are very good, for some exams even better than the MSPress Training kits. The other product you mentioned is illegal, and we don't allow it in our forums, forget about that one.
  • woodwormwoodworm Member Posts: 153
    Personally I didn't like the Sybex book for 290 - it mostly seems to be all 'copy and pasted' from the help files and the 270 book (or vice-versa)

    I do like the Mastering 2003 sybex book by Mark Minassi, though not aimed at certification I do think it's well written (as in it's readable without boring you to death by the third page yet still easy to understand)

    I think general opinion is they are good.
  • ludzerludzer Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yeah Woodworm I deffo agree with you about (Personally I didn't like the Sybex book for 290 - it mostly seems to be all 'copy and pasted' from the help files and the 270 book )
  • ludzerludzer Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Johan, just a point in the material that you said was illegal?? when i did the net+, I actually did a course (what a waste of cash) in a registered prometric site and along with the course material they also gave us txxxxxxgs to study, in that case how are they illegal?
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    The product you mentioned contains actual exam questions aka braindumps. I'm not interested in wasting anymore time on this subject explaining that those questions are stolen, violate copyrights and NDAs, and that several exam vendors have tried to take legal action, some with success, some without cause those companies are located in countries were they don't care about nor enforce intrenational copyright laws. Instead, all I ask is to respect our forum rules and don't mention/promote/share those products in these forums. This is not the place to dicuss this issue either.

    For more info:
  • ludzerludzer Member Posts: 14 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yeah thats not a problem
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