Started studying for 640-822 today

sincere11105sincere11105 Member Posts: 24 ■□□□□□□□□□
I just purchased some study material for ICND1 today. I am actually excited but scared. I took A+ and passed it.... but regret it... Im in the desktop IT field already and figured that A+ can help me get a raise.... it didnt...

About ICND1 and 2, I was just reading that they are set to expire on Sept 30. Thats a bummer if true since i spent $100+ on the material icon_sad.gif I certainly wont be ready by then


  • beach5563beach5563 Member Posts: 344 ■■■□□□□□□□
    hmmmm maybe you can just take the old ICND1 depending on how long it takes you to prepare and then if the deadline comes around for ICND2 just take the new one, I mean at least your money wont totally be wasted. What materials are you using?
  • CarnbyCarnby Member Posts: 26 ■□□□□□□□□□
    From what I understand the material from the current CCNA is not going away. They are keeping it and adding new topics. So at least if you don't pass by Sept 30, you would have spent the time gaining the knowledge that will be included in the new exams.

    I am in the same situation. I want to pass the CCNA before Sept 30. I'm planning on taking it for the first time on August 2nd. Good luck!
  • treehousetreehouse Member Posts: 77 ■■□□□□□□□□
    ^What Carnby said. Study like you're going to take the old tests. That way, if you miss the deadline, you can buy less material for the new tests and just look at what's different. There isn't any starting from scratch. I studied for the CCNA waaay back (2004) and didn't achieve it, but the things I learned then were foundations for my current study. And they'd still be relevant in the next iteration of the exam (for the most part).

    Good luck!
    2015 GOALS

    VCP [ ] VCP5-DT
  • 7255carl7255carl Member Posts: 1,544 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I totally agree with the above posts, personally I am studying for the new test, purely because i want to learn the newer stuff too, but i am in the nice position of having the Odom books for both the old and new tests and there is a huge amount of crossover (at least 85-90%), keep your goal of passing before the end of september but any time and money spent now will very much not be wasted, whatever the outcome of your studies, all the best with your studies

    Carl icon_cool.gif
    W.I.P CCNA Cyber Ops
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