
My 70-640 notes

After passing this exam with the score 750+, I decided to share my notes. I mainly used the MS Press 2nd edition book, which probably would be enough to pass this exam with sufficient experience and labbing. I already have MCSA 2003 and 70-642 under my belt, so these notes don't include basic things like what AD is used for and how to reset a user's password. Still, the notes are more than 70 pages long. Didn't realize they would be so long but this exam is a beast.
The notes don't have enough information about AD CS, RMS and FS because I was on in a rush to pass the exam before my voucher expired.

P.S. I regret not continuing on MCSE 2003 path. Just got a book for 70-294 to reinforce my knowledge of AD and... this stuff looks so familiar! I mean, 70-294 covers exactly the same topics as 70-640. I don't know the difficulty level of the actual exam but it actually seems easier than 70-640. Well, whatever. It's too late and I don't like MS stuff anyway :)



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