
help with skill exam

manafu2006manafu2006 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
i have some questions for my skills exam and i want to be sure that i responded correctly

1) what informations can be deducted from port scanning(2 answers):

a) OS version
b ) the users that are logged to the equipment
c) port status: closed/filtered/open

2)how does a closed TCP port responds to port scanning

a)with the flag FIN
b)flag RST
c)flag SYN/ACK
d)doesn't respond

Please help,
thank you


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    manafu2006manafu2006 Registered Users Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    please correct my answers if they are wrong

    1) a, c
    2) c
    3) c
    4) d
    5) a,d
    6) voip, multicast, dhcp, dns
    7) e
    icon_cool.gif b
    9) c
    10) c
    11) CBAC, TCP intercept
    12) http, email, dhcp, ssh
    13) c,d
    14) udp
    15) b
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