Exam Cram 701-702

MattD101MattD101 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hello, I take the Comptia A+ 701-702 exam on Wednesday and I'm asking is the Exam Cram the best. This is my main resource for studying for the test. I really need to pass these two exams. Also, is Essentials and Practical Application the same thing as 701-702?


  • Michael2Michael2 Member Posts: 305 ■■■□□□□□□□
    220-701 is Essentials and 220-702 is Practical Application.

    How long have you been studying for these tests? I recommend four months of study time. I know there will probably be a plethora of people who will immediately jump on this thread and say, "I passed both tests after studying for a week" but not everyone is that lucky. Besides, why push yourself? I also advise against using a single source, then again you didn't say you were using a single source so I hope that you're not. The book you have is good. It was one of my sources as well, but through advice given on this forum I ordered Mike Myer's All-In-One Guide and watched the Professor Messer videos.
  • DarrilDarril Member Posts: 1,588
    Welcome to the forums MattD101.

    "The best" is relative based on your experience and background. In general, the Exam Cram series is designed as resource for people that have a good understanding of the topics (either through experience or studying with other sources). It then helps people "cram" the objective material before the taking the exam. This is similar to someone cramming for college exam the week (or the night) before by studying all their notes.

    As Michael2 mentions, 701 and 702 are Essentials and Practical Application, respectively. The 801/802 series exams don't use these names.

    Good luck.
  • grave_diggergrave_digger Member Posts: 127
    Am on the same boat as the o.p. using cram exam and already saw prof. messor vids.

    VeRy worried about the 702 part.

    Their alot of cmd questions? Or cpu types? I got the objectives just that I want to b clear a little more...
    1776 is the answer to 1984!
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