CISSP Certification now Official - Endorsement accepted in 8 Days!

wintermute1wintermute1 Member Posts: 15 ■□□□□□□□□□
I have done my share of complaining about the long waiting times for ISC2 to process exam results and then endorsements. I am now forced to take some of it back. Barely 8 days after i received email confirming receipt of my endorsement package, ISC2 has responded with: "Congratulations! it gives me great pleasure to address you with the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) designation!"

I am of course, delighted by the rapidity of the processing.

Thanks again to everyone here who offered advice and support along this journey. I will be sticking around - hopefully to offer my support to others in pursuit of this and other certifications. I sought the CISSP to round out my policy/technical awareness with a little more rigor. I am on the way to achieving that, and it is great to find a new community of people with a commitment to achievement and shared knowledge.

Thanks everyone!

Wintermute1/David Mussington



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