*Help* Certified MCDST's or MCP's

I could make this long and drawn out but I will keep it simple.
I am looking to add to my current certs with a MCP.Heres the question:
Whats the easiest Route to MCP?
Should I take the 70-270 OR [70-271 OR 70-272]?
I mean I have a huge windows OS background and hardware background, A+ and Net+......
Im I correct to say that you can take EITHER of the MCDST exams and become a MCP? Yes, you Would NOT be a MSDST, but would you get a MCP status, Certification, and Wallet ID?
If this is the case, Generally...whats the easiest test 70-270 or 70-271 or 70-272?
I am looking to add to my current certs with a MCP.Heres the question:
Whats the easiest Route to MCP?
Should I take the 70-270 OR [70-271 OR 70-272]?
I mean I have a huge windows OS background and hardware background, A+ and Net+......
Im I correct to say that you can take EITHER of the MCDST exams and become a MCP? Yes, you Would NOT be a MSDST, but would you get a MCP status, Certification, and Wallet ID?
If this is the case, Generally...whats the easiest test 70-270 or 70-271 or 70-272?
Compaq Accredited Professional ~ HP Systems Engineer ~ CompTIA A+ ~ CompTIA Network+ ~ CompTIA i-Net+ ~ CompTIA HTI+ ~ CompTIA Project+ ~ CompTIA Security+ ~ INTEL Certified Solutions Provider
RZetlin Inactive Imported Users Posts: 155
Taking just 70-270 won't get you a certificate. You will only get the MCP if you that is want you are looking for.
Honestly I don't you will get far if you just take one Microsoft exam. -
jdog29 Member Posts: 49 ■■□□□□□□□□
Here's my take on it. 70-270 is Windows XP Professional and is probably a bit more difficult because it has a lot of administrative issues related with it, such as Remote Desktop, Remote installation. This is the path if you want to eventually earn an MCSA or MCSE. And this test will give you MCP status.
As for the 70-271 and 70-272. These also give you MCP Status but passing both of these will give you the MCDST. Which basically says you are entry level and desktop support and can work on the basics of Windows XP, such as outlook express setup, IE. These two tests do not count for MCSA/E.
It depends what you want. Are you looking for entry level? And if the job you are applying for it ask for MCDST then go for it. If you want to take more time and study go for the 70-270, 70-290, 70-291 which will get you your MCSA and onto the path of MCSE. Which is much more desirable of certifications. -
filkenjitsu Member Posts: 564 ■■■■□□□□□□
The MCDST is an elective for the MCSA. It does count.CISSP, CCNA SP
Bachelors of Science in Telecommunications - Mt. Sierra College
Masters of Networking and Communications Management, Focus in Wireless - Keller -
jdog29 Member Posts: 49 ■■□□□□□□□□
Oh, Sorry I didn't know that the MCDST was an elective towards MCSA. It would not matter in, like my case (and probably many others), if you have A+ and Network + to go for the elective instead. I think that is what I meant by not counting towards MCSA, if you already met the requirements for the elective. -
jkennyd Member Posts: 6 ■□□□□□□□□□
If you already have your A+ and N+ and are looking to head for a MCSA then I would go for the 270 xp exam.The 270 is an elective along with the 210.The mcdst is in another elective group along with the A+ and N+ so you wont need it for MCSA.So with your A+ and N+ and your 270 xp all you need then is the 2 core which are 290 and 291.Unless ofcourse you want to just have it or are wanting to be a helpdesk technician.I hope all this makes sense -
sharpescalade Inactive Imported Users Posts: 29 ■■□□□□□□□□
Almost all books come with a CD with the whole book in PDF format and test, I could use anything you would send!
Thank you!
I want to take MCDST 70-272 this friday.
VegasCustoms@yahoo.comCompaq Accredited Professional ~ HP Systems Engineer ~ CompTIA A+ ~ CompTIA Network+ ~ CompTIA i-Net+ ~ CompTIA HTI+ ~ CompTIA Project+ ~ CompTIA Security+ ~ INTEL Certified Solutions Provider -
RZetlin Inactive Imported Users Posts: 155
sharpescalade wrote:Hey-
Almost all books come with a CD with the whole book in PDF format and test, I could use anything you would send!
Thank you!
I want to take MCDST 70-272 this friday.
Why don't you just buy the books with the CD? -
Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
No free books, regardless of whether or not they come with PDFs, or on a CD, or whatever. That would be illegal I believe. If it wasn't, no would buy any books, and we would just trade away. Instead, I offer you this link. It will take you to a FREE clinic, from M$ themselves, covering both exams for MCDST. Study those, and you should be okay. That's all I used, other than practical experience.i remain, he who remains to be....