Best 70-417 study material

To those who have taken and passed this exam: what would the best resources be? I'm planning on getting the MS Press book, but instead of searching through all the "passed" threads, perhaps folks could chime in with the study material they used in this thread and have a summary of resources in one location.
Thanks all.
Thanks all.
Currently working on:
MSFT 70-417
MSFT 70-417
widget101 Member Posts: 29 ■■■□□□□□□□
I wish I had some useful information regarding this question--assuming I manage to pass my 70-646 exam, I'll be in the same boat soon. Technet is always a great resource for Microsoft exams, although the sheer amount of knowledge there can border on information overload. I looked at MeasureUp's website, but they don't currently have the free SumItUp download available for 70-417. -
ZachB Member Posts: 37 ■■□□□□□□□□
I wish I had some useful information regarding this question--assuming I manage to pass my 70-646 exam, I'll be in the same boat soon. Technet is always a great resource for Microsoft exams, although the sheer amount of knowledge there can border on information overload. I looked at MeasureUp's website, but they don't currently have the free SumItUp download available for 70-417.
I hear ya. I visit Technet from time to time, but typically cruise this site for best study material. I just want to narrow it down to the best guides. The MS press book has been a good start though.Currently working on:
MSFT 70-417