Revising help

I'm struggling with a structure when revising. Been 15 years since I last took an exam and struggling a bit. So for the 70-640, I have a young family so it will be an hour a day really.
So, watch the cbt nugget
Straight to labbing in the book ?
Read book then watch video and
Lab ?? How long per section should I take ? 4 hours, so 4 days, per chapter ? Stressing me out abit so any help would be good.
I'm struggling with a structure when revising. Been 15 years since I last took an exam and struggling a bit. So for the 70-640, I have a young family so it will be an hour a day really.
So, watch the cbt nugget
Straight to labbing in the book ?
Read book then watch video and
Lab ?? How long per section should I take ? 4 hours, so 4 days, per chapter ? Stressing me out abit so any help would be good.
MeatCatalogue Member Posts: 145
Take practice exams. Review your answers. Any question you get wrong find out why and read that section in the MS press book. Eventually you'll start scoring 90% on practice exams and then you'll know its time to test.
If you have a smart phone you can even take practice questions at any time (this is my method). Standing in line at the grocery store, while on lunch, even on the toilet! -
Peterm44 Member Posts: 36 ■■□□□□□□□□
That's a great idea, is there a good site for practice questions from your experience? -
gbeer7 Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
Any others on how they revise? Time tables, nuggets then test yourself ? Feel I waste my hour/2 hours as I have little structure. -
thronetm Member Posts: 87 ■■□□□□□□□□
Generally what I do
Read book from start to finish (Microsoft Press for example)
Watch the relevant set of CBT Nuggets videos
Start taking practice questions (From Microsoft Press Prep Kit)
If I get questions wrong, research the technologies involved in the question and take notes in a word document (Exam tips for example).
Retry all the practice questions until comfortably passing them
Read through all self taken notes
Also do some labbing! Follow labs in the Microsoft Press book or while watching the videos
Sit exam.. -
gbeer7 Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks thronetm. So do you read the book, then nuggets and notes? Or a chapter, notes, lab then test exams? Want to get a timetable and a bit more structure to my revision so in making the most of my time. Your help is great appreciated as it other views. -
thronetm Member Posts: 87 ■■□□□□□□□□
No problem
I read the whole book and then watch all the videos and then take notes during practice exams.
I lab bits and pieces from the start to finish. So sometimes I could be labbing along at the start with the book, and I could lab during some videos. Labbing is involved throughout the process
Hope this makes sense -
Jezza1970 Registered Users Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
@gbeer7 - have you tried this? - IT Free Training - YouTube
I am using the site to study for the 70-648. Its an alternative to the CBT nuggets and as its free it cant really hurt.
For my study program I like to give myself a deadline - a few months in advance if possible. I start by readng the MS Press books and watching videos - and take notes on things I need to remember. I try to do a couple of hours each day - but I know that with a young family - its not going to be easy for you!
My fave resources tend to be CBT Nuggets, MS Press & the above link.
Good luck! -
gbeer7 Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hiya Jezza1970. Thats good advice, thank you. I will certaintly take a look at the you tube link.
Thinking my plan would be to :-
- Watch the CBT nugget
- Lab from the MS press book and any addtional labbing from Unleasing windows 2008 R2 book
- Practice questions
- Maybe read the books after if i don't feel its sinking in.
Thoughts ? -
thronetm Member Posts: 87 ■■□□□□□□□□
Sounds good to me.
You tend to form your own study programs and find what you are most comfortable with, then you stick to that plan -
gbeer7 Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
thronetm, thats the issue, finding something that works ! First one is always the hardest, hopefully it will flow a bit more then after.