Train Signal Vs CBT Nugget

What do people feel is better and why ?
I've used the CBT nuggets and found them useful. But the Train Signal stuff is cheaper so wondering how good it is and people's thoughts.
I've used the CBT nuggets and found them useful. But the Train Signal stuff is cheaper so wondering how good it is and people's thoughts.
Essendon Member Posts: 4,546 ■■■■■■■■■■
I like Conrad's style of teaching though his jokes can sometimes be corny. I tried Train Signal too and found them to be lacking the depth that the Nuggets had. This was when I was doing the Microsoft exams. So for many MS exams, the Nuggets are better than Train Signal.
The equation changes for the VMware exams. I found TS to be much better than the Nuggets. It ll depends on the instructor I reckon. If Greg Shields or James Conrad deliver the Nuggets, they are good. If someone like Mike Shannon delivers the Nuggets, you feel like banging your head against the wall.
Just dont use the video training as your primary resource and you'll be fine. Use them as a primer or as an add-on resource. -
MeatCatalogue Member Posts: 145
Trainsignal skips entire topics though TS is easier to watch. James Conrad speaks fast and has enough comedy to keep you from falling asleep, but he is pretty dry. However, James does cover all the topics which is why we watch the videos, right? CBT even has 2008 R2 updates where TS I don't think has this.
I've watched some of the MS SQL cbt and TS as well and same story there. Essendon may be right about TS being superior though for other exams like VMware.
IMHO TS should be used more for an admin who wants to tackle a topic very quickly for hands on use (because they are easy to watch) while CBT is very much exam oriented and should be used to prepare for the exams. -
gbeer7 Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
Thanks again Essendon and MeatCalogue for your advice.
Essendon, i'm using the videos then labbing then topping up with the MS press book and the Unleased book. I find watching it easy that reading lots of text in a book. Seems to help me more. -
nXPLOSi Member Posts: 66 ■■□□□□□□□□
I was just looking to subscribing to one of these two for the 70-640 videos, I was pretty sure on TrainSignal but I'm not so sure now! Has anyone had an experience on the 70-640 videos with either of them?
I know TS is half the price but if CBT are superior then it's a no-brainer to go for them instead.Twitter - ClarkFx -
Snow.bros Member Posts: 832 ■■■■□□□□□□
Well i prefer CBT nuggets because one thing i know they make sure that they cover the exam objetives fully and they go through sections step by step sometime i don't go over and over a nugget just to understand a chapter."It's better to try and fail than to fail to try." Unkown
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." Albert Einstein.
2019 Goals: [ICND1][ICDN2]-CCNA -
MeatCatalogue Member Posts: 145
I was just looking to subscribing to one of these two for the 70-640 videos, I was pretty sure on TrainSignal but I'm not so sure now! Has anyone had an experience on the 70-640 videos with either of them?
I know TS is half the price but if CBT are superior then it's a no-brainer to go for them instead.
If Trainsignal doesn't cover R2 then you must go with CBT. Make sure. You won't pass any exam without the R2 updates, this late in the cert cycle. -
horusthesun Member Posts: 289
I use Both
I read Chapter and watch a nugget and watch trainsignal
Then two weeks before the exam I watch the nuggets and one week or the week of I watch the tainsignal -
kj0 Member Posts: 767
A couple of topics I felt I didn't quite understand under CBT, but I then watched the corresponding TS and in the first few minutes picked up the key I had missed that tied everything together. Turns out, James was a little quick. CA was the main one with the Hierarchy structure. I tried watching Trainsignals all the way through and couldn't stay as focused, but I watched all of the CBT nuggets and got an entire book of notes just from that.
My process was to watch a video and then read it in the MS press book or Mastering R2 book, I found I was able to picture in my head what James had done and then think of it in the perspective of the book.
I am currently doing it different at the moment, I am reading through the Mastering VCP and occasionally watching the CBT nuggets, Greg has a slightly different teaching style, particularly the way he does his whiteboards, but definitely touches on every subject - I might need to try the TS ones out and see. However, what I like about CBT is that they tell you "You need to know/have the concept of this for the exam ..." and "You don't really need to know this for the exam, but it will help when administering and help with background info for the exam"
TS for me, was like saying "So you have never worked in IT before, well the first 20 chapters will get you started" - Exam stuff didn't start until chapter 21 or something -
Asif Dasl Member Posts: 2,116 ■■■■■■■■□□
CBT Nuggets & Train Signal for Windows exams.
CBT Nuggets & INE for Cisco exams.
Train Signal & VMtraining for VMware exams.
Using both for each exam type is hard to beat, they both cover things differently. You don't hear much about VMtraining around here but I highly recommend them for the VMware VCP...