
Got a new job opportunity, unsure of decision

alexander77alexander77 Member Posts: 54 ■■□□□□□□□□
I've been offered a position with Dell in a Noc analyst role today and I am considering taking it. The place also operates as a security operations center so the hiring manager says there's a possibility of moving over there in the future.

In my current role I am in a help desk support role for a government contractor in which the place is extremely relaxed. I don't think I have much chance of being promoted to another role here but the pay is slightly better than the noc.

What do you think I should do? I am kind of tired of help desk but I worry about leaving a relaxed place for possible more stress.


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    ChitownjediChitownjedi Member Posts: 578 ■■■■■□□□□□
    I've been offered a position with Dell in a Noc analyst role today and I am considering taking it. The place also operates as a security operations center so the hiring manager says there's a possibility of moving over there in the future.

    In my current role I am in a help desk support role for a government contractor in which the place is extremely relaxed. I don't think I have much chance of being promoted to another role here but the pay is slightly better than the noc.

    What do you think I should do? I am kind of tired of help desk but I worry about leaving a relaxed place for possible more stress.

    Stress comes with the territory. I say if you are worried about the stress then you are stressing yourself before you even need to! ;)
    There also are lots of ways to combat stress, research them. Personally I would never limit myself because of things I know I can overcome with a little effort. You may feel more value, more pride, and better about yourself moving forward and taking on this opportunity, is that not worth a little stress? If not (And only you would know that) the decision is clear! But if you do take the opportunity good luck!
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    GorbyGorby Member Posts: 141
    I've been in a similar situation just a few weeks ago, If you believe this new opportunity provides more growth and challenge then you should take it. Going to a new environment and leaving your comfort zone can be scary but since it seems like you know your current employer isn't providing what you want. Trust me I made the same mistake with being comfortable at my last job wish I left sooner.
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    jibbajabbajibbajabba Member Posts: 4,317 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Dell .... my nemesis lol .... 10+ years ago (a lot has changed so don't take my post too serious), I applied for their server admin / support role.

    They required MCSE NT and 2000 (see, it's been THAT long) which I both had. Three interviews later I got the job (Ireland mind). First day. I was shown to "a" desk. Not mine, didn't have one yet (apparently you got one if you made it a few weeks), but someone else's I was supposed to shadow for two weeks.

    1. Call ... Customer calls in, asks some question. I know it straight away, not saying anything. "my colleague" then read from a tree-chart, asking support questions ... Me, sliding back and forth on my chair wishing I could just jumpt in. After half an hour of tree-charts he sends an engineer out.

    I asked "Errr, it was xyz, didn't really need an engineer, did it?" - his response :"I know, but have to use the tree-chart and do what it says at the bottom".

    I walked out ... At the door team leader asks what's going on. Told him that I don't need 2 MCSEs to read from a chart, they can use guys coming straight out of school for that. .... well, I kept walking and didn't look back ... So I managed two hours in Dell lol ...
    My own knowledge base made public: http://open902.com :p
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