
Degree Options?

SteveFTSteveFT Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 149
Thank you for those of you who answered my previous post. I wanted to just specifically touch upon the degree side of things. My previous degree was a BS in Kinesiology from UNH. This has opened up a few doors as potential options:

1. Second BS degree in IT from UMass Lowell - most inexpensive option, least education
This program only requires 30 credits (10 courses) and has no structure aside from 2 required courses. The courses to choose from are okay, but I've seen better organized programs. The benefit of this program is that I can obtain a BS for ~$12,000 and it is near home, so I will not be as likely to be called out on "distance education". This option also makes me feel as if my previous degree was not a complete waste.

2. BS in Network and Security Administration/AS in Network and System Administration

This program is definitely more thought out than the UMass Lowell program and seems as if it would expose me to a variety of topics. The cost seems to be around $30k for the whole program, but I'm hoping that my general studies will transfer over and I will only have to take required courses (63 credits), with maybe a few others. If that works out for me, I'd probably pay somewhere around $20-22k. They also have Information Systems and Computer Science if I want to go more general, but I find myself very interested in systems administration.

3. Local Community College, Transfer to State School to finish

More specifically, a program such as: Computer Science Networking

I'd be looking at probably be looking at ~$10k for an A.S., then another ~$17-22k for BS. The real benefit is that I'm guessing I would get more hands on knowledge.

So, it boils down to:

1. Complete my degree online and get hands-on knowledge at a help desk job and messing around on my own time. The only downside I can think of is that I probably wouldn't have as many options to play around in labs with larger networks. I'm guessing that this is afforded to you at an on-site program. I would have to learn this on the job. My options here would be UMass Lowell (get the degree and run), or Dakota State (learn a bit more along the way, but twice the cost).

2. Complete my degree and community college and State schools. This is not going to be as flexible in terms of holding down a job. In fact, it will likely be very difficult. That point aside, I would have more networking (people) opportunities and contacts in the local area. This would render my four year degree almost pointless (besides the ~40 odd credits of general education).

Thoughts, especially from those who hire people, would be very much appreciated!


  • Options
    DissonantDataDissonantData Member Posts: 158
    What was your degree? Instead of getting another degree, do you think you can leverage your knowledge in your field for IT? Perhaps get a masters degree after a few years work experience?

    My minor was in Computer Science (along with major in Finance) so I plan to just get a masters degree in MIS/CIS/IT or something like that.
  • Options
    SteveFTSteveFT Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 149
    My degree is in Kinesiology: Exercise Science. Not really related at all. If I was interested in software development, this experience might be beneficial, but I don't see a tremendous amount of carryover to becoming a system administrator.

    I thought of just going straight to a masters, or some sort of a bridge program. However, I wasn't sure how that would look on my resume. I may also be stuck at a help desk position until I can complete coursework necessary for entrance, and then to complete the program on top of that.
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