
Quick way to learn to Active Directory, Exchange and E-mail Troubleshooting?

geekoncallgeekoncall Member Posts: 33 ■■□□□□□□□□
Dear all forum members,

I just got a job offer with little better salary what I am making my current and as it was explained in Interview, noy hell busy call center in which I am currently working on.

My role is tech support, but now 80% and above customer are business customers. They told me that I would have to quickly learn just general Troubleshooting skills for Business E-mail, Active Directory, BlackBarry email activation, Troubleshooting etc such and things as, creating new users in AD, creating emails, Troubleshooting exchange , emails etc.

I have over 6-7 years working experience with tech support, but home base PC users, general TS, wireless networking, hardware software stuff like this. I never dealt with MS Exchange, Active Directory or Citrix etc.

I need you help, please provide me some resources where I can just general hand on Active Directory, Exchange , email stuff etc. I am trying Google and all resources want to me start from scratch, I downloading books 800+ pages, I don't think I will able to read all. I have already installed windows server 2012 on my PC, need some basic trick on above topic, any help please?

Thanks so much in advance.
WGU BSB-IT Progress: Date Started: 2013/03/01
Working ON: Completed Bachelor :). Thinking for MBA
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