SSCP vs. CISSP Format and Question Style

JinuyrJinuyr Member Posts: 251 ■■□□□□□□□□
I've been studying for my CISSP for quite some time now but have had to take detours in my certification path to fulfill other job related training requirements but I still have it on my radar to complete as a personal goal for myself since I am deeply interested in obtaining it. With the newest set of objectives, has the test changed any or will my experience with completing the SSCP give me a great deal of familiarity with the presentation of the test?


  • moyondizvomoyondizvo Member Posts: 155
    Please be aware that these are totally two different certs and their domains different too. There is a bit of a cross over, just like you would expect in many of the security certs, but not much. The advantage I found of doing the SSCP first was just having that knowledge and familiarity of how ISC2 words their exam questions. Just give yourself adequate time to prepare for the exam and find resources that you are comfortable with and run with them. There are a couple of past posts here on TE that compare the two certs if you want to read on the comparisons, have a search and let me know if you need a hand. All the best...
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,078 Admin
    I, too, did the SSCP as a prep to the CISSP. Although there is some overlap in the domains of the two CBKs, the items on the exams I took (five years ago) were very different.
  • JinuyrJinuyr Member Posts: 251 ■■□□□□□□□□
    I am familiar with the overlap and the difference in objectives. I was more concerned with the style in which the question are presented. If they're similar then I can safely say that I am comfortable with the way ISC presents their tests. If not, I will need to do a bit more research.

    I enjoyed my experience with the SSCP since I was able to flip back to previous pages to create a logical scenario in my head to answer many questions that came along and each successive scenario helped to improve the overall design in my head which led to a more confident answer on the sheet.

    Thank you for the input thus far.
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