Network Media Help!!!

in Network+
Good day everyone. I'm pretty solid on just about all the other concepts but I am having issues with the Network Media section. I cannot commit to memory well enough on the speeds and distance of different cabling technologies. Once I have this down I will take the exam. Is there a resource other than the book that lays this information out neatly for me to go over? The practice exams I take over Ethernet and fiber optic is a little confusing when I recall 10BaseXX,100BaseXX, and 1000BaseXX. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Darril Member Posts: 1,588
One method that helps with this type of information is repetition. I'd suggest you create your own tables with this information. The process of figuring out what information you want in the table, researching to ensure you know what the properties are, and then reviewing the tables you've created will help to solidify it.
This thread mentions a similar challenge: