Question for WGU students who passed 70-680 exam

For those WGU students who have taken and passed the Windows 7 certification exam, do you feel the MOAC course material provided by WGU was enough to prepare you for the real exam?I've never taken a Microsoft exam and from what I've read they're really hard so I'm a little concerned about whether the WGU learning resource is enough. I already have a lot of experience with W7 from the workplace so a lot of it came natural to me and I've made my way through the learning resource pretty quickly and am getting close to being done. I've also labbed a lot of it on my own with VM's.Did you guys have to use other outside learning materials to help you fully prepare for the exam or was WGU's enough? Any of you pass first try with just using WGU's materials only?
method115 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
The 70-680 (MS test in general) seem to be rather easy to me when compared to the Cisco exams. MS tends to be a lot more realistic with the difficulty of the exam while Cisco makes test harder just to increase the failure rate.
I haven't seen the MOAC but I was able to pass the exam watching the professor messer videos and the Don Poulton book. I failed it the first time with a 680 but that was due to me rushing and not concentrating on certificates and VPN configuration options. I'm sure the MOAC and Professor Messer will be enough.
The most important thing is to lab everything. I like to go through the book and write down labs/page numbers on a seperate book so I can quickly go back and redo the labs.
Focus on image creation, deployment, mangement, VHDs, VPN protocols differences between them, branch cache, Direct Access, offline files, sharing, and EFS.
I'm not sure what type of work you do on windows 7 but this test isn't a little tougher if you focus on troubleshooting (like me). The 70-685 was very easy because it's all about troubleshooting and thats all I do. So I found it much easier. -
ITMonkey Member Posts: 200
I did purchase Win7 Desktop (70-680) MOAC; it was not costly. I'd say that this MOAC course would be valuable for someone unfamiliar with server configuration. You begin a lesson, a couple servers and workstations are instantly cloned, and you follow the step-by-step instructions provided in the course. Thus, IT novices can hit the ground running, as it were.
Since I had a modest background in servers as well as desktop configuration, I outgrew the MOAC before I finished the 20-some lessons in it. I (over)built a lab machine, purchased a MSFT TechNet subscription, and have been in IT heaven ever since. With the TechNet subscription program being withdrawn soon, I suspect I'll follow my co-workers into the Linux realm and develop my expertise in that platform.