70-680 Exam Prep Recommendations Please

First off, hello everyone, long time reader, first time poster. Love the site, it has been helpful with learning in the past, and came in handy during my Cisco testing, once upon a time I had my Cisco certs but the job market here made it silly to recertify.
It is budget setting time at my company, and the technicians get to elect a learning plan for the coming year.
This will be the first time that all of my learning dollars do not have to immediately and permanently come out of my own pocket, and I was hoping that I could get some recommendations on pay-for 70-680 exam prep books/courses. Already have CBT Nuggets access, and will be using all the wonderful free stuff picked out on here.
- Cruz
It is budget setting time at my company, and the technicians get to elect a learning plan for the coming year.
This will be the first time that all of my learning dollars do not have to immediately and permanently come out of my own pocket, and I was hoping that I could get some recommendations on pay-for 70-680 exam prep books/courses. Already have CBT Nuggets access, and will be using all the wonderful free stuff picked out on here.
- Cruz
lsud00d Member Posts: 1,571
Hello and welcome to TE!
Professor Messer's videos are extremely helpful and follow the exam domains:
Professor Messer's Free Microsoft 70-680 Certification Training | Professor Messer - CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, Linux, Microsoft Technology Training
It also appears that they have added relevant links to each topic, which is very helpful for making a study guide:
Exam 70-680: Windows 7, Configuring
And then lab, lab, lab. -
Haunt Member Posts: 62 ■■□□□□□□□□
I found this series of YouTube videos from Free IT Training not long ago, I've checked a couple of the videos out and they seem good. Would go well with the Professor Messer videos.
Windows 7 Free Training
Windows 7 70-680 12 hour free course - YouTube
Same videos, just on separate sites.