
Use Windows from a USB stick using VMware or other

JohnnyBigglesJohnnyBiggles Member Posts: 273
Just curious to know if anyone has had luck with this (or if it's common):

If I have a 32 or 64GB flash drive (USB stick), is it possible to run a pretty basic Windows XP/7/8 installation using VMware player or another version of VMware? For example, if someone has a laptop capable of running VMs, I'd like to be able to either quickly install the VMware Player and then run the Windows VM from the stick (to not have to utilize the host's hard drive space beyond the VMware installation), or, ideally, boot from the USB stick either directly into Windows or into a lightweight hypervisor (such as VMware Player) where I can then load my Windows VM from the stick (which would be even less intrusive to the host PC).

This would be beneficial in that I could always have a personal computer handy on a keychain or in my pocket as long as someone nearby has a machine capable of running VMs.

Is there a step-by-step on how to do this?


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