Failed 70-682

Failed today with a score of 656. 44 points from a pass. So disappointed, got 850 on the 70-685 portion and 656 on the 680 according to my scoresheet. Used cbt nuggets and other free resources to study. Any advice before the retake? The 680 seemed much harder than 685 portion but I was confident I had passed. Based on my score seems like I only failed by 1 or 2 questions.
Bradd Edmondson
Microsoft Certified Professional
Certified Computer Support Technician CompTIA A+ 2006, MCDST & MCSA 2003, Network + ,MOUS Master, Security +
Microsoft Certified Professional
Certified Computer Support Technician CompTIA A+ 2006, MCDST & MCSA 2003, Network + ,MOUS Master, Security +
MCITBound Member Posts: 65 ■■□□□□□□□□
Try watching Professor Messer's Free 70-680 training course and doing more labs. I tried to lab everything that was covered in the Professor Messer videos. I also recommend reading Don Poulton's 70-680 Exam Guide if you get the chance.If I gave good advice or was insightful, please add to my reputation!! If you have a LinkedIn account and want a new connection, feel free to add me! If you have any questions, ask! :cool: